Reverencing Diasporas’ effort: Key for nation building

 Given Ethiopia’s bountiful resources, its citizens’ and its Diasporas’ thirst for a rosy tomorrow and their conviction to hit the last nail on the coffin of poverty, there is no gainsaying that... Read more »

Must-see celebrations coming up!

 Not only does Ethiopia enjoy thirteen months of sunshine but it has also possessed a range of tangible and intangible heritages it is globally well known for. The latter that comprises religious... Read more »

Beginning of disarmament deserves laudation

It is to be recalled that in a bid to stem the confrontation that flared up in the northern part of Ethiopia a peace deal was reached between the Federal Government and... Read more »

Hope and optimism renewed

The followers of Christianity in Ethiopia today celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Three wise men, biblical magi, went to Jesus’ birthplace with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Some religious... Read more »

Henceforth frank approaches win in the acid test of relations with Africa

Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources, trade potentials, young population, growing economy, geopolitical advantage and rosy future, among others. Therefore, there is no gainsaying foraging a healthy relation with Africa is... Read more »

Cultivating youths: Key for peace, development

The 48th Ordinary Session of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers underway in the Sudanese Capital, Khartoum, has discussed the security situation of the region. The session will also... Read more »

From gesture to action

Following the Cessation of Hostilities agreement signed in Pretoria, South Africa, some optimistic signs towards peace are coming, from both the government of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). In... Read more »

Is ICHREE’s ‘report’ to obscure TPLF’s grievous atrocities?!

Some sanctimonious countries that fall in the set referred to the conceptual west by Pan Africanists are in a frantic bid to saddle their subtle political agendas on Ethiopia and to dictate... Read more »

UNSC’s reform essential for equivalent representation

Issues of some countries, especially of Ethiopia have been tabled several times on the UN Security Council’s forum mostly related to hydropower dam construction which is not security issue. It is betrayal... Read more »

Lame-duck “experts” never disrepute ENDF

The flawed and sham report of the so-called International Commission for Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia has turned out to be a political document based on cooked-up stories and far-fetched allegations. While... Read more »