Must-see celebrations coming up!

 Not only does Ethiopia enjoy thirteen months of sunshine but it has also possessed a range of tangible and intangible heritages it is globally well known for. The latter that comprises religious aspects is of paramount importance in bolstering cultural diplomacy, snowballing tourists’ inflow and solidifying people-to-people ties apart from being a religious asset.

Religious festivals are expressive ways to mark glorious heritage, culture, tradition and norms of the society. Besides, they are means to rejoice special moments and emotions.

Ethiopia has been marking public holidays like Epiphany (Timket) year in, year out. There are two celebrations ahead of us namely, Timket (Epiphany) and Cana ZeGelila ( Cana in Galilee). Both fall on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023. Per religious scripts the former is to commemorate the baptism of Jesus and the latter marks the turning of water to wine in Cana at a wedding.

While the celebrations happen across the length and breadth of the country, awe-inspiring ones could be observed in the Gondar and Batu as far as Timket is concerned. The marking of Cana in Galilee goes with grand events at Sekela where the famous Abbay (Blue Nile) originates.

Epiphany is a day of joyful celebration where people of all ages, of the faithful of course, have nothing but fun and togetherness regardless of language and other backgrounds. Besides, as part of their annual tradition to celebrate Epiphany, Ethiopian Orthodox Christians bathe in rivers and pools to mark the baptism of Jesus Christ in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.

Apart from playing an indispensible role in adding value to firm social lives, religious festivals like Timket (Epiphany) connect people and provide them with inspirations to solidify their co-existence and togetherness. Such worth celebrating occasions can help pass legends, knowledge, traditions and cultural assets to posterity.

Timket is instrumental in serving the purpose of respecting one another’s values as well. One may see people of a different faith cooperating with Christians to make the celebration peaceful and enjoyable.

Having places worth visiting, too, Ethiopia has won the confidence of many and grabbed their attention from all corners of the world as it possesses numerous religious and/or cultural assets. These are also the best manifestations of peaceful coexistence and amicable ties.

One surely argues that tourists from across the globe that set foot in an Ethiopian soil at this particular season find their visits outstandingly rewarding. They experience the culture and togetherness of Ethiopians, to say the least. From enjoying the hustle and bustle of holiday market, attending religious rituals, engaging in dancing and chanting at streets to observing the colorful dressing styles and local embroidery, the festivals give visitors an unforgettable moments.

Last time, during the marking of Jesus’ birthday at the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, also attending a ceremony of BezaKulu there, resident ambassadors of various countries experienced the authentic ancient celebrations on the spot. Similarly, the diplomatic community would feel the real vibe of the markings in places like Gonder, Batu, Sekela (West-Gojjam) and here in Addis.

The Ethiopian Herald January 17/2023

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