Safe, rewarding to visit Ethiopia

Since the signing of the Pretoria peace deal, the tranquility has returned to normalcy. Unlike the past two years in which the country was rocked by recurrent conflict and violence, Ethiopia has relatively achieved stability and security. The peace deal in fact brought the devastating conflict to an end with the humanitarian situation normalizing.

It is undeniable fact that the two years conflict has had a domino effect on the entire nation. Its repercussion perhaps had been severe in the tourism industry. The insecurity coupled with the COVID outbreak weakened the industry. With countries repeatedly issuing travel warnings and advisories, the flow of tourists into one of the best tourist destination countries had also dropped. Besides the internal predicaments, global challenges also cast a shadow on the smokeless industry.

Now that the country has ended the conflict peacefully and independently, the security situation is returning to normalcy paving the way for socioeconomic development. The past months have been a solid instance in this regard. The country has successfully hosted regional and continental conferences. Besides, it had peacefully staged outdoor religious and historical festivals. Suffice it to mention Genna (Ethiopian Christmas), and Timket, (Epiphany) and the celebration of the Victory of Adwa.

In fact, Ethiopia with improved security situation has a lot to offer to visitors from across the globe. It is a must to bring into attention that Ethiopia is among the leading best tourist destinations with a number of UNESCO-inscribed heritage sites and internationally recognized intangible heritages. And, over the years, the country has added more must-see public parks that will give more alternatives for both domestic and foreign tourists

In addition to the natural and historical heritages, the government has built public parks in Addis Ababa and beyond. Among the newly added must-watch parks are Unity, Entoto, and Friendship. These eccentric and state-of-the-art facilities are expected to extend the tourists’ stay in the country. With more parks in the offing, visiting the country is indeed a lifetime experience and a rewarding thing to do.

What is more, the warm hospitality and the welcoming gesture of the Ethiopian community coupled with moderate weather allure visitors to make their way to Africa’s anchor state, Ethiopia. Lately, there has been a bonus that would serve as a plus to the industry. In what could be said a boon to the tourism sector, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has recognized the Adaba-Dodola Community-Based Eco-Tourism as the Best Tourism Village.

The recognition was given taking into account the high potential of the area and the belief that it will develop into a full-fledged tourism destination in the near future, said Oromia Tourism Commission Marketing and Promotion Director Abdu Gelgalo

The area is very rich in tourism resources where the availability of dense forests and mountains coupled with diverse species of animals could attract numerous local and international tourists. The area is preferable for hiking, horseback riding, and camping, among others, he said.

This time, the country is very safe and stable. For understandable reasons, security is the first prerequisite for the tourism industry to thrive. And Ethiopia remains undisputedly a preferable destination for visitors with a bundle of choices.

The Ethiopian Herald March 23/2023

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