Henceforth frank approaches win in the acid test of relations with Africa

Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources, trade potentials, young population, growing economy, geopolitical advantage and rosy future, among others.

Therefore, there is no gainsaying foraging a healthy relation with Africa is beneficial to actors on both ends of the scale.

In cognizance of the aforementioned merits and the perks that could accrue from such chemistry with Africa, many superpowers are craning their neck towards Africa widening the continent’s partnership chance thereby bolstering its capacity of knowing the chalk from the cheese as well as separating the seed from the chaff in its multifaceted endeavors of kissing underdevelopment goodbye down the road.

But the relationship superpowers want to strike up with Africa must be based on a genuine support that does not compel the continent into dependency syndrome that subjects it to strings attached to loan and aid.

Africa must not be reduced to a sheer recipient of diktats. Such a trend creating a room of arm twisting by superpowers hijacks the continent’s desire to shape its future in a way that fits the bill.

Lessons drawn from wrong turns must be set prerequisites in coming up with a right choice. Africa should not be taken a sacrificial lamb or a pushover to meet one-sided objectives of super powers. A political whip must not drive a spoke in the development wheels of Africa. Here, it suffices to mention how African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) was used as a political whip to derail the development of Ethiopia that set a foot ahead on the road of growth.

A win-win or a string-free relationship is a befitting one for Africa.

Partners must not hide their true colors till they are told to respect “African solutions to African problems.” For enduring peace as well as sustainable and mutual-growth such an approach proves viable.

The globe is dragging its last leg from the uni-world order into a multi-world one demonstrating it is only the frank ones that will emerge with flying colors in the acid test of the aforementioned relationship.

It is against this back drop the Africa-US relation should be viewed and rectified.

A US-African summit is due to be held. African leaders must influence the US government about the right way to do that. In clear terms the leaders have to tell the latter “African-US policy begs for overhaul. US better cut a big brother kind of relationship. Africa is advocating business-to-business relationship based on mutual respect. That has to be upheld. Otherwise, the summit’s goal would be a pipedream.US’ policy on Africa clamors for a radical change, which is long overdue.”

Hence US has to adopt a US-African policy that synchronizes with the 21st century mindset. Tarrying could force it to run out of charm and cede place to emerging super powers coming up with win-win approaches which could be easily embraced by Africa. It must not be forgotten the time is one marked by red-hot competition.

African-Americans that contributed bricks for the prosperity of US are expected to play due role in the amendment of US policy pertaining to Africa. Ethiopian-American elites must prevail on current leaders of US to see to reasons and embrace it back in AGOA.

Also, here the crucial role Africa could play in fighting out terrorism that has tentacles at global scale must not be forgotten. Thus, backscratching with Africa is a task US could ill afford to put on the backburner. As instance it suffices here to mention the role Ethiopia played in emasculating Al-Shabab.

Focusing on the education of African young population and technology transfer are seen better support options from a genuine partner.

The Ethiopian Herald  11 December 2022

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