Beginning of disarmament deserves laudation

It is to be recalled that in a bid to stem the confrontation that flared up in the northern part of Ethiopia a peace deal was reached between the Federal Government and TPLF in Pretoria, South Africa.

Following the agreement reached, the ball has got rolling palpably. Cascaded, the enshrinements entailed in the deal are being translated into action. Specially to render people of Tigray that suffered the brunt of the war to the full beneficiaries; the incumbent has gone extra miles so as to restore services as fast as possible. It did exhibit notable conviction for the implementation of the deal.

As the deal mainly focused on humanitarian aid delivery to strife-torn Tigray, the government has seen to that attaching immediacy to the task. The voluminous aid included nutritious foods to children.

Moreover, concerning ferrying and doling out tasks, it as well has facilitated things for the delivery of such services to ally humanitarian organizations. An enormous mass of medicine, fuel as well as money is dispatched to the state.

Parallel to the humanitarian services, the task of getting all infrastructural facilities demolished by the war back in shape is observably and promisingly underway. This is evidenced by the resumption of electric, telephone, bank and air transport services. Victims are experiencing a new lease of life, which the deal swung around. Their bashed hope reviving, victims are seeing a rosy one at the corner. Estranged family members were pinning each other suffering a lacerating psychological pain of separation. Thanks to the peace deal that is atoned for.

Still the government is exerting an unstinting effort towards the implementation of the accord. Going half way ahead and beyond the peace deal, sending delegates to Mekele the incumbent has tangibly demonstrated it is a votary of peace. It as well has demonstrated that we Ethiopians could iron out differences as per our traditional knowledge of resolving conflicts. The delegate comprising Ethiopian athletes is a manifestation of this. This is laudable as it shows the government’s affectionate-bond with the people and the country.

 Clapping with one hand is impossible. By the same token, TPLF is exhibiting a commendable bent to the proper implementation of the deal. Its first-round handing over of heavy arsenal to the federal government bears a testimony to this fact. AU’s observers and military observers from various countries had attended the event when TPLF handed over its first round heavy weapons. The handing over took place in Agula camp 36 km away from Mekelle. Heavy armored Tanks, rockets, arsenals of different lengths, zoos, and mortals are among the military weapons handed over.

The handing over event is a move towards actualizing the deal. As such, it deserves a tap on the back. Laying a firm foundation for a constitutional order it creates a fertile ground for sustainable peace and territorial integrity. TPLF should be encouraged towards the furtherance of this current disposition. Expectedly similar handing over activities will be carried out in other areas where TPLF stockpiled weapons. Such a move is one that seals the peace agreement by the two peace seekers.

Government and partners have continued delivering humanitarian aids-both food and non-food items in affected regions. For instance, data jointly compiled by the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission, the Logistics Cluster, UNOCHA that cover the period between 15 November, 2022 and 12 January 2023 show that 105, 366MT of food and 13,892 MT non-food items were supplied to Tigray. The delivery was carried out using all the corridors and airlifts. Per the set direction, all public institutions have also resumed services such as telecommunication, banks and electricity.

As the benefit of the peace deal is multifarious. All stakeholders should do their level best towards its fructification. The peace deal is one that ensured the sovereignty of Ethiopia, narrowed down gaps, discarded hatred, buried hatchets and took citizens back to previous life of clicking with considerateness, ones and affection. Furthermore, mobilizing people it could allow them to rebuild better places reduced down to rubles so as to lead improved lives. The sooner things get back in shape the better.

The Ethiopian Herald January 15/2023

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