Ethiopia’s economic diplomacy effective in securing finance for dev’t

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia has obtained significant amount of financing from multilateral and bilateral partners during the last budget year, says Ministry of Finance. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its part indicated... Read more »

Sudanese Ambassador lauds Ethiopia’s peace endeavour

 ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s engagem ent in regional peace and security issues further indicates that it has the will to lead and influence settlement among conflicted actors in the region to galvanize... Read more »

President Sahle- Work stresses peace, rule of law to sustain ongoing reform

 ADDIS ABABA – Maintaining peace through restoring rule of law is essential to sustain the ongoing reform process in the country, said FDRE President Sahle- Work Zewde. The President made the remark... Read more »

Ministry says campaign to plant 4 bln. seedlings has hit target

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s recent endeavour to transplant four billion seedlings has been wound up hitting its target, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. At a closing ceremony of the campaign held... Read more »

Hurray to the newly citizen-focused diplomacy

One of the critical issues Dr. Abiy Ahmed has been lauding since he came to power is the respect and wellbeing of Ethiopians where ever they are and will be. As a... Read more »

Premier congratulates new Sudanese Prime Minister

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed congratulates General Abdel-Fattah Burhan who was sworn in as leader of the 11-member Sovereign Council. He also shares his message of congratulations to Mr. Abdalla Hamdok who was... Read more »

President lauds young girls’ festivals in fighting women’s discrimination

. Calls for preserving peculiarity of Ashenda ADDIS ABABA – President Sahelework Zewede said celebrations of Ashenda demonstrates true color of elegance and cultural values and women equality as a grand ceremony... Read more »

Economists weigh on possible measures as debt burden raises red flag

Speeding up planned privatization, cutting spending and maximizing export and tax revenues are some of the measures economists propose to ease the country’s debt burden. Their comments came following government’s recent announcement... Read more »

‘Ethio-China cooperation deepening more than ever’

Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed administration has effectively negotiated relations with African and other countries including China cooperation that brought about tangible results which have been translated into unprecedented financial grants. “Chinese... Read more »

Aviation college to graduate students

ADDIS ABABA – National Aviation College will graduate 201 students in the fields of aviation and tourism tomorrow for the sixth round. The college, sister company of National Airways, will graduate 131... Read more »