Hurray to the newly citizen-focused diplomacy

One of the critical issues Dr. Abiy Ahmed has been lauding since he came to power is the respect and wellbeing of Ethiopians where ever they are and will be. As a reformist leader, who promised to fundamentally change the negative records of this nation in terms of respecting human and democratic rights in the past, he has been undertaking several measures that would address the grief and sorrows of Ethiopians both at home and everywhere in the world.

He released and also led to the release of thousands of political prisoners and brought back several armed and political groups from exile so that they are now engaged in peaceful political struggle.More or less in a similar front, another reform measures introduced by Dr. Abiy’s has yet related to revising the national foreign policy, primarily focusing on citizens’ wellbeing.

There is an Oromo proverb that is literally translated to: “A cow that an owner breaks its horn, an alien bursts its eyes.” This much related meaning to the concept: “If leaders disrespect their citizens and act on them inhumane, refugee hosting countries would enslave or jail them unlawfully.”

That is why, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, right from day one after taking power, has put the issue of Ethiopians imprisoned abroad at the center of Ethiopia’s bilateral diplomatic relations with almost all the countries he visited. He committed himself and his administration to search for Ethiopians locked up abroad and to get them released. All in all in almost a year, he has managed to convince their hosting countries release about 28,000 Ethiopian refugees.

In addition to this, he was able to accomplish the return of 112, 615 undocumented Ethiopians in exile due to their political views and humanitarian activism they had at home previously. Similarly, about 300 hundred Ethiopians abroad right to their insurance and wages were protected, according to the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is one of the essential showcases of the effectiveness of the diplomatic approach the ongoing reform has included in its package. No doubt, bringing such citizens back home is an exemplary deed to the world in general, and to Africa in particular. Be that as it may, the government should also exert maximum efforts to tackle illegal human traffickers.

There has never been doubt on Ethiopia’s peaceful and mutually beneficiary relations with other nations in the history of the country’s diplomacy. More recently, however, the nation’s upswing in soft power diplomacy performance has become more vivid in negotiations and mediations as well as in luring world class politicians, financiers, investors, traders and experts, tourists and the like.

Ethiopia’s current position in a neutral spot allowing itself to create friendship and cooperation with almost every nation around the world for mutual benefits must not compromise on citizens living abroad.As Ethiopians at home respect the rights of foreigners, so should be the rights of Ethiopians living abroad. And Ethiopian diplomats everywhere must continue assessing the wellbeing of locked up Ethiopians and facilitate for their releases.

Furthermore, governments need to fight for equality and equity of the refugees they host. Wages and insurances must be paid timely and equally for occupations alike.In the mean time, citizens abroad are also expected to be public diplomats to Ethiopia in altering the recent imprisonment into productive, responsible and ethical diasporas. They should represent the good values Ethiopians own at home in respecting the rule of law and humanity. Such a collaboration of the government and the diaspora communities will certainly make the life of Ethiopians abroad safer than in the past.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 23/2019

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