President lauds young girls’ festivals in fighting women’s discrimination

. Calls for preserving peculiarity of Ashenda

ADDIS ABABA – President Sahelework Zewede said celebrations of Ashenda demonstrates true color of elegance and cultural values and women equality as a grand ceremony of the young girls’ festival was held in Mekelle town , Tigray State capital.

Ashenda, Ashendiye, Shadey and Solel,young women’s festival began in Tigray and Amhara Regional States with colorful display of cultural costume and presence of higher governmental officials yesterday.

Addressing a mammoth crowd gathered at Mekelle yesterday, President Sahle- Work Zewde briefed that the festival has played imperative role especially on gender equality for the last centuries.

“The values of the festival are global model to end violence against women. And I wish all the days to be like Ashenda,” she noted. Ashenda and other festivals also display the cultural and historical values of the country which allure tourists and are worth registering in the UNISCO. Accordingly, the extensive activities are underway to promote the festival and inscribe it as world wonder.

Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, president of Tigray State on his part also remarked that all stakeholders must be striving to promote this role model festival. Ashenda should serve as weapon to fight violence against women he remarked while calling on cherishing the historical and cultural beauty of the festival.

The festivals attended by local and foreign tourists as well as culturally dressed communities officially kicked off in Temben, Tigray and Sekota town of Amhara State. Early in the morning, communities of both town flocked to the site where the official celebrations are held. With some chanting cultural songs and some others cheering along the streets where the young women pass by the day marked the beginning of the days-long holiday.

Addressing a large crowd held at the Sekota, Temesgen Tiruneh, Amhara State President said that the festival is not the merely culture of the locals, but the asset of Ethiopians as well for women around the globe remarked during the opening.

“It is the time to preserve our heritages and I would like to announce the Regional government is committed to promote heritages like this festival”, he announced.

The Ethiopian Herald, August 23/2019


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