Ministry says campaign to plant 4 bln. seedlings has hit target

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s recent endeavour to transplant four billion seedlings has been wound up hitting its target, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

At a closing ceremony of the campaign held on the premises of the prime minister’s office, yesterday Minister of Agriculture Omer Hussein said the campaign which took place in two rounds has been concluded.

Omer said about 2.72 billion seedlings were transplanted before 29 July Green Legacy campaign and the government will release official information after verifying further information.

A team has been established to compile the information, Omer said adding preparations are also underway to protect the already planted seedlings as well as to carry out similar greening campaign next Ethiopian fiscal year.

Out of the seedlings planted this year, 60 percent comprise trees that bear edible fruits while the remaining are of forest type.

Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Dr. Engineer Sileshi Bekele said on his part that more than 23 million people have participated in the transplantation campaign and indicated that information regarding the specific places, types and locations of transplantation is being compiled.

He further said the two campaigns have illustrated that people can attain a great level of success by working together with a spirit of unity and have also drawn lesson to carry out a similar campaign next year.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Minister of Innovation and Technology Dr. Engineer Getahun Mekuria also attended the closing ceremony.

The Ethiopian Herald August 24/2019


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