President Sahle- Work stresses peace, rule of law to sustain ongoing reform

 ADDIS ABABA – Maintaining peace through restoring rule of law is essential to sustain the ongoing reform process in the country, said FDRE President Sahle- Work Zewde.

The President made the remark while opening a high-level dialogue conference on “challenges of transition, Ethiopia’s reform process at United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Conference Center late Thursday.

She said dialogue among stakeholders is important to put in place a strong system that could entertain unity in diversity. The President also called for integrated efforts of all by taking advantage of the current opportunities in order to overcome challenges of transition.

The President further noted that people and the government must join hands to ensure rule of law, peace and security as it is the only way to ensure the country’s economic prosperity.

Sahle-Work said over the past year Ethiopia recorded remarkable changes unprecedented in the history of the country, though a lot remains ahead. In order to move forward and build democratic Ethiopia, it is important to sustain the ongoing reform and searching for new opportunities.

President added that stakeholders must discuss the issues of diversity and build better system to accommodate it.

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki which is known by African solutions for Africans said that Ethiopia’s success is great victory for the continent. Ever since the victory of Adwa Ethiopia is a source inspiration for the continent, he indicated.

The peace and stability of Ethiopia is important to the rest of neighboring countries beyond local nations, he pointed out.

Bekele Gerba, Vice President of Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) said that Ethiopian political parties must discuss together to create new space and favorable conditions which help to further deepen the ongoing change. Discussion and negotiation will help to create new roadmap agreed by all parties, he indicated.

According to her, Ethiopia’s peace is important for the stability of the region. About 250 participants from across the political, ethnic, geographical, and civic spectrum attended the event.


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