Governmental institutions must not expel competencies as a new form of segregation

The government has lagged behind in the provision of essential mental illness treatment services and this leads the youth into social chaos, so disclosed the Ethiopian Mental Illness Treatment Association. Ethiopian Mental... Read more »

Better human aspect, better civil service sustains reform

ADDIS ABABA- Emphasis on human aspects is necessary to develop the civil service sector and support the reform, disclosed Civil Service Commission. Bezabih Gebireyesus Commissioner at Civil Service Commission told to The... Read more »

Ethiopia’s untold historical facts

Beyond a reasonable doubt, the Ethiopian history has required comprehensive historical recording suite, so disclosed Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritages (ARCCH). ARCCH Public and International Relations Director, Fanta Beyene... Read more »

As different as chalk and cheese

The Addis Ababa City administration slammed what some say the appointment of the deputy Mayoris out of the legal framework and he does not have the representation of the resident of Addis... Read more »

Grand Renaissance Dam will go operational by 2020

The 5 billion project USD dam, Ethiopia is undertaking on River Nile and which had suffered construction delays and entertained reservations from different neighboring countries, will kick start supplying energy in December... Read more »

A leader who stands shoulder high

At one point Ethiopia was on the brink of collapse considering unrests and conflicts rocking the country. It was not uncommon to witness protests, barricades, and conflicts nationwide. The future of the... Read more »

“Opportunity awaits Ethiopian companies on upcoming Expo”

“Belt, Road Forum will further strengthen Ethio-China economic cooperation”, Counselor ADDIS ABABA- Economic and Commercial Counselor Office of the Embassy of the P.R. China in Ethiopia, said large business opportunity will await... Read more »

Nation launches OWNP phase II program

World water Day Celebrated ADDIS ABABA – Meeting the target of the first phase of the One Wash National Program (OWNP), the government has yesterday launched the phase II that will significantly... Read more »

President urges scholars to assist ongoing reform through dialogues

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia is on  the right time to capitalize on the advantages and mitigate drawbacks in supporting the ongoing reform through knowledge rather than emotion, says FDRE President Sahlework Zewde.... Read more »

Addis Ababa City Council defends administrations legitimacy issue

ADDIS ABABA — Council of Addis Ababa City Administration says the current administration of the metropolis meets all the legal grounds to administer the city and urged the public to disregard false... Read more »