A leader who stands shoulder high

At one point Ethiopia was on the brink of collapse considering unrests and conflicts rocking the country. It was not uncommon to witness protests, barricades, and conflicts nationwide. The future of the country was hanging in the balance from time to time.

Nobody could prefigure what the fate of the country would be down the road except coming up with illusions. Even worse, the situation of the country was jumping out of the frying pan into the fire seeing that the unreformed ones were making an effort to pour gasoline on the fire every so often.

Fellow citizens were tossing a wide-array of ideas, feelings and thoughts around over and over again. Despondently, the country was surrounded with fear, anxiety and panic given that the solution was beyond the capacity of the general public.

Be that as it may, one fine day, something unexpected took place in the history of the country. The thing was, the former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn resigned without prior notice. However, the direction of the country’s politics was not that clear at that specificpoint.

When Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed took office, he kept on spearheading fruitful reforms in various shapes and forms across the country and thus he won the hearts and minds of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Stunningly, most people replaced the profile pictures of their facebook, whatsups, LinkedI n, telegram, among others with the Premier’s pictures in the blink of an eye. The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with some scholars on social psychology and leadership to have their feelings, ideas and thoughts regarding the achievements of the Ethiopian premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed.

Gelawdyose Alelegn is Psychologist. He said, “Concerning the premier’s achievement, the instant the premier came to the reign of power, he had rescued Ethiopia, which was on the verge of civil war. Heflickereda ray of hope in the midst of the people of Ethiopia.

Therefore, all and sundry irrespective of sexual category, age, ethnicity, among others, have been taken by surprise. He continued: “In next to no time, the premier was able to free thousands of political prisoners in addition to lifting the state of emergence, which was shackling the hands and feet of fellow citizens apart from reforming the security division of the country.

Furthermore, he kept on melting everybody’s heart through his stunning reforms by getting things that stood on their heads back to their feet. He stressed that the premier kept on unchaining thousands of political prisoners, unclogging hundreds of websites apart from breaking the deadlock between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The two countries were at logger head for many years at a ‘no peace, no war’ situation with thousands of soldiers facing off at the borderline.

Hence, the two sisterly countries grew to be infinitely happy and got themselves involved in a wide array of economic activities which could turnaround the lives of the people of the two countries in a short time. He further stressed that the premier gave the green light to non conformists to come back home .

He kept on paying attention to the people’s grievances apart from reassuring the pubic the fact that his government is ready to take gigantic steps towards democracy and reconciliation nationwide. This warmed the heart of many.

He concluded though the displeased are coming up with innumerable ruses to dislodge him from citizens’ heart, the PM still cuts a cherished corner in people’s hearts as he handles things wisely and cautiously.

We must keep on supporting Dr. Abiy achieve the desired goal that is ensuring a tranquil and prosperous Ethiopia. Fikade G/yesus is consultant of strategic leadership and management skills. He said, “As the premier is on familiar terms with the nitty-gritty of the art of leadership, he was able to harvest the fruit of success in a short time. He is famed for his successful moves in an unprecedented manner in the country’s history.

As a matter of fact, he donated blood for patients in addition to visiting an Ethiopian boy who was suffering from illness for more than a few years being in a coma as a consequence of medical error. He made the mother get compensation.

“The premier had made more than a few Ethiopian prisoners to be released in a little while. He also smoothed the progress of the release of Ethiopians living in Saudi Arabia and made an effort to curb the dearth of foreign currency after a short time. What is more, the premier has made history bringing into the political scene many competent women leaders,” he wrapped up.

Herald March 24/2019


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