“Opportunity awaits Ethiopian companies on upcoming Expo”

“Belt, Road Forum will further strengthen Ethio-China economic cooperation”, Counselor

ADDIS ABABA- Economic and Commercial Counselor Office of the Embassy of the P.R. China in Ethiopia, said large business opportunity will await Ethiopian exporter and importer companies on the upcoming China Africa Economic Trade Expo.

While discussing the 125th China Import Export Fair, Canton Fair, with Ethiopian companies, Liu Yu Counselor at the Office said her country has invited the Ministry of Trade to organize Ethiopian business delegations and participate on the Expo, which will take place in late June this year.

According to Liu the Expo will help Ethiopian exporters to promote their future products and spread their trade branches in China.

According to her Canton Fair is China’s major platform, which played crucial role on the country’s export oriented policy, which changed its overall economic status and foreign currency reserve. Known as the largest in terms of product varieties and biggest buyer attendances from the broadest range of countries for 124 sessions, Canton said it will set up product zones in every section that is suitable to be further divided. It will also help buyers locate sourcing targets and arrange the same types of products in a concentrated  way in all section, for its 125th session.

Solomon Mengiste Senior Expert at Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations for his part said the chamber has a great interested in the grand exhibition in China. He also noted that Canton Fair would help Ethiopian importers and exporters to maximize their market in the global business arena. It will also enhance the transaction level of Ethiopia’s import and export as well as the bilateral trade and investment relations with China and other nations.

As part of the Chambers effort in increasing business networks and organizing fair, “We are glad to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Canton Fair, that is expected to strengthen our bilateral joint efforts to increase our market in a win- win situation,” said Solomon.

Speaking of the Belt and Road Forum that will be held in the next month, Liu said it is an initiative that realized a high level relationship between Ethiopia and China, adding that Ethiopia was among the first two countries that have participated on the first Forum. Liu believes that the upcoming Forum will also play crucial role in further developing the economic cooperation between the two countries.

“China has been the largest trade partner and foreign investment force as well as the largest project contractor in Ethiopia. As a result, I am confident the economic cooperation between the two countries will be much brighter,” She underlined.

The Ethiopian Herald March 23/2019


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