As different as chalk and cheese

The Addis Ababa City administration slammed what some say the appointment of the deputy Mayoris out of the legal framework and he does not have the representation of the resident of Addis Ababa.

This saying shows emotional immaturity in addition to contradicting with the proclamation number of the House of Peoples Representatives 1094/2010. Hence, all the residents of the city should be on familiar terms with this fact and act accordingly.

 The Addis Ababa City admin istration so disclosed in connection with the existing situation of the city. As the proclamation number 1094/2010 states the deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa could be appointed either from council members or otherwise. As clearly indicated his term in office is bordering on the term of the council.

Accordingly, the appointment of the deputy mayor had been carried out with the full consent of all the council members. At this moment in time, the city administration is striving to keep going the ongoing reform taking place in the left, right and center of the country. It is making an effort to materialize several development activities and good governance tasks in the city. Observably, the desired goal is being achieved.

As such running counter to this trend is tantamount to derailing the reform. As per the statement, council of the Addis Ababa City government, Ethiopia is a great country where under its umbrella seventy six Nations, Nationalities and peoples live in harmony. Aside from the social relations, the people of Ethiopia have been bounded by blood and cultures and not to be detached.

They have been living for thousands of years facing thousands of setbacks regardless of age, sexual category, ethnicity, religious affiliation among others. They are still on the same page. In the same way, the prideful journey of the people of Ethiopia has not been a bed of roses. They were filled with quite a lot of twists and turns.

It is to be recalled that for quite a lot of years the, people of Ethiopia had been fighting for their rights with an assortment of leaders of the past by raising questions of development, justice, democracy and other related issues. The statement further stressed questions of justice, democracy, good governance, human rights violations and other fundamental matters of the people are being answered at this point in time.

Moreover, the reforms wafting on a national scale have made Ethiopians and others to be taken by surprise. The sought-for target is being achieved giving priority to questions of justice, democracy, equality, development, among others.

At this instant, the City Administration is working by the sweat of its brow with the purpose of sorting out the social, economic and political problems of the residents. Therefore, the inhabitants of the capital could be witnesses for this reality on the ground..

Herald March 24/2019


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