Ethiopia’s sacrifices for peace in the Horn ought to be recognized

Owing to its strategic vantage point, The Horn Region draws the coveting eyes of many. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise watching advantage-seekers as well as the belligerent with a bent of fishing in troubled waters poking their noses in this part of the global center of attention seen as a goldmine. This tragic episode has resulted in chaos and instability in the region rocking the peace of its inhabitants and hamstringing its development. For nearly six decades now countries in the region have been forced to undergo inestimable trials.

Especially the statelessness that ensued in Somalia had created a petri dish for extremists like Al-shabaab and ISIS, whose evil deeds created a domino effect world over. The logjam above has posed frictions both on the regional and global effort to usher in a sustainable peace.

Out of fraternal considerateness, people of Ethiopia, standing by the side of their government, martyring themselves while carrying regional, continental and global peace-warranting banners have been paying huge sacrifices to forestall the nasty surprises of bloody terrorists. In so doing, to the delight of the Somalia people and their neighbors, Ethiopians have allowed the oxygen of peace waft across the sky of the otherwise terrorists-petri dish Somalia.

The incalculable role of Ethiopia in incapacitating the terrorist groups from marring the peace of countries in the horn and beyond is worth mentioning here. This fact is not a secret shrouded in mystery to the Somalia people. Ethiopian Peace Keeping Force’s stay in Somalia for close to two decades is in the same wavelength with this claim.

Ingratitude on the part of the Somalia government and attempts of the same to belittle Ethiopia’s friendly gestures cemented in blood in time of its neighbor’s need are being witnessed. This temper tantrum creates dismay on the cool-headed. It suffices to leave the case to morale and history. If left undetonated, certainly, the challenges, on their wake, bring moral questions and accountability.

Instead of seeking amicable solutions round a horseshoe table with their Ethiopian peace-votary counterparts, the Somalia officials have opted to connive with forces and historic enemies, which see the horn’s peace and development as a threat to their skewed national interest. Unless checked in good time, this zero-sum political game of their government is rather inimical to the people of Somalia that does not buy the fatal misstep. There is no gainsaying this.

The people and government of Ethiopia believe in the common strategic benefit of a sustainable peace in the region. As such, one way or another, it is not with unpeeled eyes they watch any activity that eclipses the tranquility of the region. They vigilantly monitor terror-and-war-exporters’ heinous move at the cost of mainly Ethiopia’s peace and national interest.

They know as to whose face emerges when Trojan horse’s mask is cracked. Peace and stability are decisive ingredients in shaping the fate of people of the region and the development that grows out of the situation. That is why chalking out strategies for common growth of the region they are making socioeconomic thrust to crystalize the amenities of modern life in their era. The sacrifices Ethiopia paid on the altar of peace and the bold step it took to economically integrate countries of the region could be traced back to the aforementioned sentiment.

Ethiopia will press ahead with its cautious and responsible move of reinforcing regional peace and common growth that finds echo with its national interest. It pays of amicably dealing with friendly Ethiopia that believes in a win-win approach and peaceful common growth lends a heeding ear to reasons and stretches out its arms to plausible solutions. Better ironing out differences with thoughtful Ethiopia via discussions than provoking it, for such a wrong move, as attested by history, is tampering with a wildfire.

The Ethiopian herald September 1/2024








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