Chemistry with Ethiopia pays off

There is no gainsaying that peace and development cross-fertilize each other. In the absence of enduring peace development’s surge to fruition will be hampered. On the other hand, even development presupposes even distribution of wealth, an ingredient for sustainable peace.

Cognizant that peace and development feed on each other working towards creating the right mix is mandatory. Having the neighborhood in mind is also exigent for development and peace could hardly materialize as conflict has a contagious effect and development like infrastructural expansion in the vicinity catalyzes cross-border trade. Investment also takes off the ground if infrastructural facilities are put in place.

Also, the presence of infrastructural facilities and serenity is a sure proof of the smokeless industry. As it is well known, Ethiopia is a votary of peace and development. That is why it has embraced both.

Ethiopia, boasting citizens that are epitomized freedom icons, is a natural-wealth-abundantly-blessed country situated at the horn of Africa and having a population size of over 120 million. It is a proud nation playing a key role in the global arena. Its pride in itself and its glorious deeds are ascribable for its special place in history. The passage of time could not blurEthiopia’s instrumentality for the liberation of colored people. For the prevalence of peace in its neighborhood, it has been contributing a lot. It is displayingfriendly and voluntary gestures at the continental and global levels.

In the UN and AU’s peace keeping mission, it had pioneered in deploying around 12000 infantries. In so doing, it had dispatched its soldiers in Congo, Korea, Rwanda, Liberia, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan and other countries. On the altar of peace, it has consecrated its heroic sons and daughters. Owing to this, it has played its due role for the advent of a relative peace in East Africa. It is still doing so. In the not distant future, it had been playing quite a role for the stability of Somalia that was being rocked by Al-Shebab.

Apart from the declaration of truce between the two warring powers in South Sudan, it had played an immense role in ushering in an enduring solution to their problem.It is trying to do the same in Sudan. Ethiopia’s activities are not confined to the military sphere. Extending its wing to the economic sector and economic cooperation, Ethiopia is aiming at economic integration and growth based on a win-win principle.

Taking into account the recurrent drought in East Africa and its adverse impact in the region, Ethiopia has taken the initiative to drive home the ideals of green legacy. To root out the problem, it has dispatched tree seedlings and diplomats to different countries so that the idea sinks in.

Based on the win-win approach the country is strengthening its ties with neighboring East African countries. Especially to forestall contraband trade that is weakening nations’ economy and promoting illegality, Ethiopia is actively doing a lot of work with neighboring countries.

On the other hand, Ethiopia today is exporting its products and services—coffee, chat, vegetables, fruits and water— to neighboring countries and beyond. It is also aiming at trade with Europe. Its quest for ports and common growth based on clicking illumines its peaceful economic diplomacy.

In general in the political, economic and social aspects Ethiopia’s role in East Africa in particular and in Africa in general showcases its passion for Africa’s tranquility and affluence. This has become a public knowledge. That is why the saying chemistry with Ethiopia pays off.

The Ethiopian Herald January 28/2024

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