Nation to pursue digital economy

ADDIS ABABA- Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MinT) said that various activities are being carried out to fully exercise digital economy in the nation.

Ahmedin Mohammed (PhD), Director General, ICT Development and Administration at the Ministry noted that as ecommerce is one part of the digital finance, having the opportunity to have ecommerce center in the country will have greater contribution in advancing the technology.

The ecommerce center that is going to be built in Ethiopia is amongst the four centers that will be constructed by Universal Postal Union in North, South, West and East Africa. As to him, Addis Ababa, as the hub of East African countries, was chosen to be one of the seats of the centers.

The construction of the center has already passed the initial stage and is almost at planning and implementation phase, said the Director General. Currently, the Ministry is undertaking the activities of resource mobilization and capacitating human capital.

“The main objective behind promoting ecommerce is that the nation is aiming at registering promising development depending on digital economy. Using technology products and services, we are striving to make a great contribution to the GDP. The nation is working to pursue digital economy,” he said.

Mentioning that launching ecommerce startup is very costly, Ahmedin indicated that the center upon completion will play a huge role in encouraging more digital finance activities.

ICT Expo Ethiopia will be conducted from June 6 -10, 2019 at the Millennium Hall. Among the programs expected to be entertained, ecommerce is the one, The Ethiopian Herald learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald June 5/2019


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