ETTE to start duty free foreigners’ food and African cultural items supply

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian Tourist Trading Enterprise (ETTE) is due to start duty free foreigners’ food supply in its different shops. It is exigent to start to supply other African artifacts and costumes.

Assefa Guya Director General within the Enterprise told to The Ethiopian Herald that so far the Enterprise has not been putting

African dishes for sale. But now it has a plan to supply a spectrum of dishes from different corners of the globe with a duty free service.

Many diplomats come here from a range of countries. In their demand list, top items like perfumes and liquors have commonalities. But their cultural dishes and ways of dining differ. Cognizant of this fact, ETTE is striving to cater to the demand of resident diplomats, among others. It has finalized preparation to kick start this service in some of its shops.

He added Ethiopia could not remain peculiar from other African countries. The flags of most of African countries are similar with that of Ethiopia. The same holds true when it comes to house building style .There are lots of cultural similarities.

Thus down the road, the enterprise envisages to conduct further researches and cover other African countries after primarily covering the nation’s vast cultural sectors. Addis is the diplomatic capital city of Africa. Obviously therefore, there are lots of diplomats in the city.

Hence, ETTE is rendering duty free services for diplomats, passengers, investors and others who are privileged to get these services. This service of its makes ETTE the pioneer organization in Africa, the Director General stated.

On daily basis lots of passengers alight at Bole International Airport for a stopover, so the organization is exerting an all-out effort to fulfill commuters’ demand through duty free marketing system. In so doing, the Enterprise is playing its role in fetching foreign exchange for the country, Assefa said.

He added, ETTE has about 10 duty free, 10 handicraft and other liquor shops as well as Supermarkets .It collects about half billion birr annually.

The Enterprise is playing a great role on the national tourism sector. It is the biggest tourism trade organization in Africa.

The Ethiopian Herald  May 26/2019


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