Electric Power aspires to advance geothermal capacity

ADDIS ABABA — The Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) announced that it set to advance the Aluto Langanos Geothermal plants power generating capacity by tenfold.

Moges Mekonen, EEP Communication Director told the Ethiopian Press Agency that the geothermal plant which is situated in the Oromia State has a capacity of generating 7.5 MW electric powers. The new project is set to increase the plant’s capacity to 70 Mega Watt, he added.

Moges stated that 192.7 million USD has been allocated to the project, out of which the World Bank has provided 183.2 million USD in the form of loan and grant while the government of Republic of Iceland has granted 8.5 million USD.

The rest 1.5 million USD is covered by the Ethiopian government, Moges added. Once operational, the project will be a reliable source of power for some areas in the central parts of the country. The Great East African Rift Valley which crosses Ethiopia gives it a rich potential for geothermal energy.

Moges further said to generate the steam power, 22 wells with 2,000 to 2,500 meter depth have to be dug. A Kenyan and two China based companies have signed agreement for the work which will be finalized in the coming June.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 21/2019


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