Patriots’ Association reform centers youth participation

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Patriots’ Association says it has been working to organize the association with youths coming at its center, the association. Ethiopian Patriots Association Deputy President, Amb. Alemayehu Abebe Shenqut told to The Ethiopian Herald that the Association will hold election in the moth of April and reforms will be carried out to further strengthen the association by injecting new blood. Senior citizens are at the helm of the association and it is high time to include the youths so as to ensure its continuity and contributions, he said.

The association will also collect stories about patriots and archive them in microfilms which will be part of the reform, he added. This task is to be accomplished hand-in-glove with academic institutions, he said. “Doing so grantees the youths to emulate lessons from ancestors.” There is also plan to participate volunteers in our effort of inspiring the youths to be patriot of development, according to him.

Herald March 1/2019


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