Feeling at home in China


This past weekend this writer and journalists’ team drawn from print and electronic media of Ethiopia had the opportunity to pay a visit to hospitable China. For all of them it was their first trip to China. When the plane landed at eye-catching Beijing airport after a ten hour flight or so, they could not believe their eyes seeing that the image they had with regard to China was not that big.
Biased by the western media, they did not attach significance to the country. Though a lot has been said about China and its mesmerizing infrastructural development surfacing on a national scale, they were not in the position to lend their ears. They were simply turning a blind eye time and again.
After all journalists team had passed through the airport procedures, they headed straight to the exit gate of the airport. It was getting darker. But the street lamps of Beijing were on par with a sunshine. More to the point, the inside out of the airport was extremely of a high quality.
Hence forth swapping to a first person plural I will narrate the story.

After the program, we were given explanation pertaining to the messages of the song. Most Chinese who have been here expressed to what extent they love Ethiopia and its people. As most of them are on familiar terms with the cultures, norms and traditions of the country, they feel affection for Ethiopia. Everybody was feeling at home.
Zhang Xuechum is an interpreter at China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. She said, “China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation was established in 1979. It has been getting itself engaged in civil engineering design and consultancy, labor services cooperation, real estate development, import and export trading and hotel management, among others. It has been getting itself fully involved in ninety-four countries and regions in various parts of the world such as Asia, Africa, America, Europe and Oceania.
She went on to say CCECC has been undertaking numerous key projects covering railways, highways, bridges, buildings and municipal works in its overseas markets and with its outstanding performance and quality service. It has been achieving the intended target through various means predominantly in the development activities partaking in every nook and cranny of Ethiopia.
Afterward, all journalists set in motion raising questions revolving around the fundamentals of CCECC activities in Ethiopia. Zheng Jun who had served as head of CCECC in Ethiopia embarked on entertaining a wide-array of questions posed by Ethiopian journalists.
According to him, Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway originates from Addis Ababa and stretches over a total length of 760km to get in touch with Djibouti port. The construction was inaugurated in April 2012. More to the point, its official flag-off ceremony was held in October 2016. It was built jointly by CCECC and CREC. The project comprises of Chinese components from design, finance, equipment, construction and supervision to operation. At this moment in time development is flourishing in Ethiopia.
He went on to say, Ethiopia is the most important market in Africa for CCECC. We have been there for a long time. Due to the commitment and determination of the government and the general public, we have been achieving the desired goal. We have been making our dream become a reality. We are heading in the right direction. Above and beyond, we have been getting ourselves involved in a spectrum of development activities.
“We have been here for years. We have been registering fruitful results at this point. To be honest, I love Ethiopia with all my heart. It is my second home. It is a great country with rich history. Since the establishment of CCECC, we have been partaking in a broad array of development activities in Africa,” he added.
He continued: “The whole thing is so smooth in Ethiopia. Following the support of the government and the people of Ethiopia, we are able to complete most of our project works. Together with the government, we leave no stone unturned to take the country to the helm of success. We have been expanding the country’s infrastructural development. If we all work hand in glove, we can take Ethiopia to new heights within the shortest time possible. The future is brighter for Ethiopia.
“More often than not, we invite a wide array of companies to pay a visit to Ethiopia and invest in the country. We inform them that the country’s investment climate is a lucrative and an attractive one. After the closing of China Africa cooperation, CCECC has said a lot about the different investment opportunities in Ethiopia. Quite a lot of companies have got the opportunity to know Ethiopia very well. In black and white, we have explained what the country is like. Hence, a range of companies have visited Ethiopia. I do believe the number of investors will snowball down the road, ” he wrapped up.

We were all dog tired.Everything was beyond words. We were all taken by surprise. We did not know what to say. In a little while, we realized the fact that China is heading in the right direction.
Sooner or later, we came across tour guides at the exit gate of the airport waiting for the team of Ethiopian journalists. Having exchanged greetings warmly, we were taken directly to a certain cafe and offered delicacies to our hearts’ content.
At the end of the day, we were taken to a certain hotel to pass the night in Beijing. We were treated like a king. Everybody was showering us with huge love and respect. Most of them would like to have a picture taken with us. The whole lot was beyond description.
By the same token, the length and breadth of the country was flooded with attention-grabbing infrastructure development. Anybody can easily understand the new scale of success China achieved with no trouble. Most of the Ethiopia’s infrastructural development specially the ring roads are attempts to follow the footpaths of this great nation. In no time we realized their commitment and hard work.
On the morrow, we headed straight to China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC). When we arrived there, most high officials of the corporation were waiting for us by the gate of the head office. They were respectful. After we all had exchanged warm greetings with the staff and high officials of the corporation, we were given some briefings pertaining to its activities. In due course, we were invited to a conference hall of the organization. In next to no time, most representatives of CCECC working in various parts of Africa joined our team.
While we are on the subject, the corporation has been getting itself engaged in various development activities taking place across Ethiopia. They have been throwing in their share in the development endeavors of the country. Before we posed various questions revolving around the nuts and bolts of CCECC activities in Ethiopia, we were invited to watch a short film focusing on the various development activities surfacing in Ethiopia. Everybody embarked on attending the program with full concentration. It was an amazing one. At the end of the movie, we were invited a song dedicated to the people of Ethiopia. The song lyric goes on the following was.

It was more than Habesha that made me wanna stay.
It was more than Red Sea breathe I can’t give it away.
So long you will hold my hand and run to Africa rain.

Goodbyes in our memory recall Honey Wine.
The kiss from Aden Gulf, is grace playing wind.
How can I forget the Entoto where we used to wave?
You are precious we won’t slip.

So come and have a walk with me on Addis Streets.
Unwilling to walk away on sincere from your eyes.
I will hold our hearts, every step we well keep it fine.
Starting sunset in Hawassa and Blue Nile running away.

Goodbyes in our memory recall Honey Wine.
Stars in Dire Dawa witness days to steps.
It’s train stopping in Nagad where you eye on me?
You are precious we won’t slip.

So come and have a walk with me on Djibouti streets.
Unwilling to walk away on sincere from your eyes.
I will hold our hearts, every step we will keep it fine.
Eternal stories permeate the way; you always come by my side.



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