Materialism is a trap

Materialist people are the unhappy people in the world because all they think is how they can get money and they forget that there is more to life. Happiness has nothing to... Read more »


 When love vanishes Swept by bitterness As every dialogue Turns into wrangling We offendpeople For being wrathful, Some evil thoughts Control our spirit We invite fight in Otherwise peaceful date And instigate... Read more »

Mind your business

As the Italian politician lady Rebuked you “Mind your business! Abusing your position Try not your personal Interest to address.” True, ”You better shut up What you deserve is A resounding slap... Read more »

Ankober: Preferable destination for hiking

Ethiopia is a country blessed with abundant natural and manmade tourist attractions, including more than ten world heritage sites. The meandering highlands of Ethiopia are also preferable among international and local tourists... Read more »

A Black Empress’ Legacy (Tytu Betul)

I . Taytu Betul as a leader Ethiopia is famed for being A peaceful, hospitable And warrior nation How come  then it failed To come to your attention, As bees whose hive is... Read more »

… a beckon of victory not a story that Africa requires to repeat it today

The scramble for Africa was aborted White’s conspiracy against blacks vanquished Europeans’ hostile supremacy over Africa parried Their obsession of colonizing Africa foiled Do you know when and where?  It was in... Read more »

The thunder knight

(Short Story) Part I The sky was covered with a dark cloud. A heavy rain was coming. I was sitting under a big tree in a vast field of lash grass with... Read more »

Not to face the grotesque face of corruption

Corruption has many grotesque faces such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, procrastination, and bureaucratic red tape, mismanagement of hard-won resources and wastage of precious working hours. The rent-seeking bent poses logjams to service... Read more »

The double-loser

When a dog chewing a meat Sees its mirror image In a river neat It covets on the other end The meat, Growling, it goes for it It ends up a double... Read more »

Against fake news and marginalizationAfrica needs its own media

A number of events have recently taken place regarding Africa’s media, including the observation of what is dubbed “international day of the radio”, in commemoration of the launching of the radio as... Read more »