Mind your business

As the Italian politician lady

Rebuked you

“Mind your business!

Abusing your position

Try not your personal

Interest to address.”


”You better shut up

What you deserve is

A resounding slap

On your foxily face

As you are


And humanity

A disgrace.”

A snake-turned-fake dove

As seen in Mia Kadra

A genocide architect

An accuser and judge

Attention don’t try

To deflect!

Must you be constantly


You use people

From your ethnic group

A human shield

As you do not heed

Whether they are famished

Also how themselves

They try to feed?

Blocking roads

For lorries carrying aid

Your likes pose

A pitfall

To increase a death toll.

Looting some,

Before philanthropists

Wily you project

   A face glum.

   Addle pate

Clamoring for help,

What is more a stalemate

Lorries as military vehicles

You also

In Tigray detain

Again and again

Inured to resultant pain.

Why don’t you talk about

The close to 2,500

Health facilities

Your likes demolished?

Also about

Medicinal supplies, food aids

You looted

For terrorist TPLF’s

Political thugs occasional

Whisky bout.

People of Ukraine are

A far cry from your likes

Try not to be famous

By association

To bask under

The credulous’ attention.


Your insufferable act

Opted to tolerate?

Is unclear to date.

To the intelligence

Of the global community

What an insult!

What a fault!


The Ethiopian Herald  6 April    2022

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