Ankober: Preferable destination for hiking

Ethiopia is a country blessed with abundant natural and manmade tourist attractions, including more than ten world heritage sites. The meandering highlands of Ethiopia are also preferable among international and local tourists for hiking.

The mountainous topography Semien Mountain in the Northern Ethiopia gives an outstanding pleasure after a successful hiking in to the longest point of the Horn of Africa.

Dallol, the lowest point on the earth coupled with a warm climate condition attests one’s patience and endeavour to realize your goal without being frustrated with any external factors whatever it is natural or human made.

In this article you will have a chance to learn the major natural, historical, cultural, religious and adventurous as well as one of the top tourist destinations of the country, Ankober, which was once the principal residence of the rulers of Shewa until Negus (later Emperor) Menelik II moved to Mount Entoto.

Located in the Semien Shewa Zone of the Amhara State, Ankober is perched on the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian Highlands 40 kilometres to the east of Debre Birhan. According to different sources, the tiny town of Ankober  embraces various historical happenings.

Founded by Merid Azmatch Amha Iyesus, a powerful leader descended from the Solomonic dynasty, Iyesus’ descendants ruled Ankober for around a century. A number of Shoan rulers are buried in churches in the surrounding area.

However, buildings that survive from the Shewa period include the Kidus Mikael church, built by Sahle Selassie. Indeed, Ankober serves as a good base for discovering the many fascinating and famous religious buildings in the area, including Mantiq, a nearby monastery with Judeo-Christian traditions, the 19th century Catholic missionary Aba Massayas (making this one of the most important historical centres of Catholicism in Ethiopia) and the Ankober Medhane Alem Church, where Menelik married his soul mate Itegue Taytu, and where the golden wedding cloak is still kept.

 On a nearby hilltop, the crumbling ruins of Emperor Menelik II’s old palace are found. In the same manner, evidence of the diplomatic missions – that Britain, France and Italy established here during that Menelik’s reign – can also be distinguished in the town itself.

In the south of Ankober, lies Aliyo Amba, which was once an important trade center connecting the highlands with the Red Sea port of Zeila. The cobblestones of the famous coffee caravan route which joined the two still remain.

The highlands surrounding Ankober, which sit at an elevation of some 2,500m, are great for hiking and even more rewarding for birdwatchers. The very rare endemic Ankober Serin can be found here, while two breeds of seedeater, the white throat and the yellow throat may also be spotted.

In sum, there are daily, weekly, and monthly hiking programs organized by various tour organizers, universities, schools, government and private offices, among others to Ankbober.

The demand of local tourists to discover the area is increasing from time to time. Rich in its historical achievements, reliable peace and security, comfy climate, hospitable people, and wonderful topography, among others enable Ankober to be in the first choice of destination among numerous international and local tourists.

Therefore, popularizing the areas tourism potentials, and undertaking massive infrastructural projects is fundamental to harness the tourism sector potentials. Currently, Ethiopia is undertaking a path breaking measures to utilize the maximum from its tourism potential.

However, having tremendous natural and manmade tourist attractions, wildlife, vegetation as well as divers and sumptuous climatic conditions the country has not yet utilized the most from national park tourism potential.

Regarding this, the recent moves seem showing a progress along with facilitating the necessary preconditions of the tourism sector.

In fact information from the Ministry of Tourism indicates that new tourist destination development, conservation and renovation have been doing in the area to attract numerous tourists in the past. Construction of new lodges, hotels, guest houses as well as expanding standardized infrastructures helps generating more from the tourism sector.


The Ethiopian Herald March 25/2022

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