Ethiopia’s mission in deconstructing the colonial legacies from Adwa to GERD: Marking power shift

 BY HENOK SEIFU MERID Ethiopia from the genesis has been the torch bearer of freedom among its fellow African states. This has been witnessed as Ethiopia remained the only Independent State during... Read more »

Election debates need to focus on substantiated facts and solutions not on polemics and bad language

BY SOLOMON DIBABA The debates between the political parties contesting in the 6th National Election is already looming and I think that the media outlet are doing a great job in allotting... Read more »

The multi-faceted benefits of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

BY WOSSENSEGED ASSEFA Dams have been used to ensure an adequate supply of water since the dawn of human civilization, almost 5000 years ago, by storing water in times of surplus and... Read more »

TPLF in recap: From its birth to demise

Editor’s Note: This week, briefing the media on the current situation in Tigray State, Ethiopian National Defense Force Army Building Works Main Coordinator Lieutenant General Bacha Debele stated that some armed remnants... Read more »

Why not Ethio- Israel Suez canal alternative?

BY HENOK TADELE Since its opening in 1859 Egypt’s Suez Canal has always been a vital trade artery for international trade between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Currently some 12 percent... Read more »

Right of reply from the French Embassy in Ethiopia and to the African Union to the opinion article published on March 2021 in The Ethiopian Herald

BY LACINA KONE The French Embassy in Ethiopia took notice of an opinion article published in The Ethiopian Herald dated 14 March 2021, expressing hostile and counterfactual views regarding the relationship between... Read more »

Why Quartet over GERD negotiations is unjustifiable?

 BY SILEWUNET BEL Despite the progress made, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) negotiation has not reached a conclusion, owing to Egypt’s unjust stance, which wishes to preserve an unequal status quo... Read more »

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first human space flight

BY RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR On April 12, Russia annually celebrates Cosmonautics Day, while the whole world celebrates the International Day of Aviation and Astronautics. This holiday commemorates the first manned space flight. Since... Read more »

Leadership, public allegiance in transforming nations

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU The word transformation might not be practical unless leaders put in place public allegiance and watch over grand projects at intrinsic motivation and commitment. Ethiopia the Land of Origin,... Read more »

Conspiracy architects ruined Vs Tigray fresh boulevard

 Conspiracy architects ruined Vs Tigray fresh boulevard BY MENGESHA AMARE Neither a county in the history of the world has hosted, nor it will hold, a reprehensible and mortified scenario in life... Read more »