Treating the innocent and the culprit equally does take to nowhere

 BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS Recently western countries including USA, Britain, Germany, Netherland and Australia released the joint statement with regard to the ongoing war in northern Ethiopia. In their statement they announced their... Read more »

Terrorist TPLF is exterminating a generation of youths in Tigray to remain in power

 BY SOLOMON DIBABA The youth in Tigray are being driven to death by a barbaric, fascistic and lunatic leadership in the region. Why for? Should the youth pay sacrifices just to keep... Read more »

The critiques of the Green Legacy Campaign, the timing of terrorist TPLF wicked conspiracies on Ethiopia

For apes that fail to grab them, grapes are sour. For those who used to benefit from the status quo ante before four years, the reform programs underway in the country is... Read more »

The Evil within us nurtured, protected: The potential

Humans have lived on earth for many thousands of years showing kindness, solidarity, and respect to one other showing the good side of their human nature. But at times they have also... Read more »

BBC joins the global media war on Ethiopia through false narratives

On May 7, the BBC came up with a totally fabricated and unverified report entitled “Ethiopia war: Evidence of mass killing being burned – witnesses” by Lucy Kasa who has repeatedly came... Read more »

Use of Child Soldiers should be condemned; equals to modern slavery

Whether or not particular forms of “work” can be called “child labor” depends on the child’s age, the type and hours of work performed, the conditions under which it is performed and... Read more »

Effects of taxes on household income and social benefits

Researchers and policy analysts calculate the effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes and work incentives for the population of a given country. They use models for such analyses. For Ethiopia... Read more »

Presenting only one side of the story on the pages of The New York Times harms the cause of truth and peace in Ethiopia

The following op-ed piece was submitted to The New York Times in response to Nicholas Kristof’s column dated April 24, 2021. After a number of attempts to publish it in The New... Read more »

Ethiopia at the cross Roads – a Balanced Narrative for those who know nothing about current Ethiopian situation

Ethiopia is at crossroads right now due to many playing actors from outside and inside the country. Sometimes the outside and inside coordinate highly and it feels as if it is one... Read more »

Foreign aid hit a record high last year. Here’s what it means for the global recovery from COVID

 2020 was a record year for foreign aid, which reached an all-time high of $161.2 billion, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The figure marked a 3.5% rise... Read more »