Election debates need to focus on substantiated facts and solutions not on polemics and bad language


The debates between the political parties contesting in the 6th National Election is already looming and I think that the media outlet are doing a great job in allotting air times for such important debate. I general terms the parties have continued to adhere to the ethical standards set by the NEBE. Regrettably enough much of the content of the debates among the parties is rather polemical and lack a deeper analysis and alternatives that the peoples of Ethiopia expect from parties who are competing to rule the country over the next four years.

Emotionalism is being mixed with sober analysis of the objective reality and imported theory is overpowering practical steps that the parties are to take in case they win seats in the HPR. This indeed is a serious matter that affects future developments in this country. There is a vivid lack of problem identification and solutions to be suggested for sustained national development agenda.

A number of parties are wasting their time on critical criticism of the pervious and current administrations of Prosperity Party and failed to come up with new and viable alternatives devoid of all kinds of traditional political brands imported from abroad. Criticizing the ruling party positively could be useful but the debating parties lack concrete agenda which they are expected to introduce to the peoples of Ethiopia with the results they expect.

Some of the styles of debating employed are not considering the language and articulation that the peoples of Ethiopia are used to and seem to mimic debate styles that are common in social media. Over generalization of issues and presenting unsubstantiated points in the form of facts was typical of the current debates

Moreover, the debates from a number of political parties do not clearly focus on what specific alternatives they provide to the peoples of Ethiopia for ensuring a bright future for the country. The issue of limited airtime is understandable even then some of the deliberations are shallow and not result oriented.

Some of the contents of the debates are apparently not research based and highly theoretical. The objectivity of the arguments and their synchronization with the strategies suggested resolving some of the outstanding needs of the population is in most cases not properly articulated.

The debates among the parties are expected to promote peace and unity among the peoples of Ethiopia appreciating diversity within unity. In such debates parties are expected to accord due respect for other parties and for the peoples of Ethiopia at large.

Beyond doubt, the way the parties argue  reflects not only their stand on each issue they raise but also indicates the level of the maturing of the political system in the country. The debates again provide excellent opportunities for the parties to work together not only to ensure peaceful completion of the election but also sustained cooperation to safeguard unity, the rule of law and democracy in the country.

What are the major areas of debates on which the parties should focus? I think, given the current situations in the country, the debates should dwell upon how each party could work towards ascertaining the security, peace and territorial integrity of the country by forwarding tangible and applicable recommendations. Parties are expected to come up with new strategies that are geared towards the development of the national economy with greater emphasis on agricultural modernization and promotion of industry with specific measures to be taken in promoting industry with deeper emphasis on the manufacturing sector. Hyperinflation particularly in the food sector has become a serious matter forcing the government to take more concrete austerity measures. What values could the debating parties add to this chronic problem that the current administration is unable to resolve?

A number of parties have already delivered their programmatic manifestos but the public is still not fully aware of the contents or items detailed in the manifestos. This is a serious matter that needs to be addressed by way of increasing public awareness on outstanding issues of public interest.

Gender desegregated unemployment is already a chronic problem in Ethiopia but what mechanisms could the parties suggest to at least minimize the level of unemployment in the country?

Despite some measures taken by the Ministry of Education in terms of preparing a national education road map the level of quality education in the country is still very low and half baked. What specific measures can parties take in resolving the current crisis in the educational system and how do they reflect it is their debates?

Nonetheless, the production-distribution and consumption cycle in the market is still chaotic in this country. Illicit trading, money laundering, contraband and arms trafficking is almost at its peak in the current period. What arguments and strategies can the parties deliver to resolve these overarching national economic problems?

The participation of the private sector in the national economic is still very low while local private investment has not developed to the desired level. What practical measures can the competing parties take in addressing the needs of the private sector?

The health sector and health delivery system in Ethiopia is highly critical for the wellbeing of the population. What new strategies can a party design in case it wins the majority in the HPR?

Gender equality and parity, the growth of the participation of women in decision making at all levels is one of the most important indicators for the prevalence of a democratic political order in Ethiopia. The debates need to extensively dwell on this important issue.

Nonetheless, parties need to debate on important topics related to Ethiopia’s foreign policy and diplomacy, promotion of science and technology, tourism, the environment, infrastructures development, transport and communications and all other issues of national economic development.

Although there are more parties organized on ethnic basis in these country, if elected at the federal and regional levels, these parties are not expected to represent only one ethic group but how can parties reconcile ethnic interests with country level national interests and what are the basic points of arguments in this regard?

In terms of their formation and political experience parties in Ethiopia need to still go a long way ahead till they attain the desired level of maturity. Some of these parties are still grappling with internal squabbling, accusations and counter accusations and lack the necessary skill in self-rectification. Many parties still suffer from lack of resources, logistics shortfalls and organization cohesion but they can effectively compete with other parties as long as they possess strong and dedicated membership ready to fight for democracy and good governance. Party activity is a sustained undertaking that should not be limited only to the election season as is the case in Ethiopia. It is difficult for parties to exist only on the basis of enlisted members but they need to buttress their functions on solid public support and strong social base. I am not sure if at least even the major contesting parties have strong social base on which they can depend.

Whatever the case is, all contesting parties are expected to deliver their share in ensuring credible, legal, peaceful and democratic election. This is a test case for all parties and the government itself. Every citizen should take the upcoming election very seriously by registering to vote and to cast their ballots for the party of their choice. Indeed the debates again should call upon the public to register and vote at their respective polling stations.

The Ethiopian Herald 20 April 2021

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