Conspiracy architects ruined Vs Tigray fresh boulevard

 Conspiracy architects ruined Vs Tigray fresh boulevard


Neither a county in the history of the world has hosted, nor it will hold, a reprehensible and mortified scenario in life as what the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Junta did on the eternal life savior-sovereignty protector-the defense force.

Lastly, all the sins and wrongdoings what they have been capitalized on swallowed them all at the end of the day so the saying goes; “Everyone has reaped what they sow.” It is crystal clear that Tigray State has nominated an Interim Government to run a number of social, economic and political activities right the aftermath of the law enforcement operation till a formal government is appointed through election.

Unquestionably, zonal administrators have been assigned to scrupulously follow all activities in close collaboration with counterpart zonal governments and that of the state, and the federal government too.

A number of destructive and constructive undertakings have been witnessed in the state especially after the completion of the law enforcement operation. The paid western media and some irresponsible media organizations have been erroneously propagating a range of information in a distorted fashion.

Cognizant of the fact that the reality on the ground can be garnered from the horse’s mouth, The Ethiopian Herald had a state with the North Western Zone Administration of the state.

Interim Government, North Western Zone Vice Administrator, Muluberhan Haile stated that prior to the widespread looting of public and civilian properties in Tigray State, the TPLF junta had intentionally set free over 10,000 prisoners who are accused of serious crimes and convicted criminals as well.

According to Muluberhan, the junta had manufactured thousands of fake Eritrean army uniforms before it launched attacks on the Northern Command of Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF).

“Wearing fake Eritrean army uniforms, blind supporters of the junta and the criminals carried out well-coordinated vandalism and looting of public and civilian properties in the northern Tigray,” he said.

Muluberhan further said the junta had left no stone unturned to internationalize the law enforcement operation wearing its supporters’ fake Eritrean army uniforms but in vain.

Apart from stealing the property of Tigray people, he said that various sexual violence committed by these individuals.

According to him, Eritreans have proven their support in repatriating properties of Tigray people looted by the Junta to border areas

“Thanks to the keenness of the people of Eritrea, some 15 million Birr looted finance from Shiraro by the Junta has been returned to the state,” he said.

He recommended that people who believed TPLF’s claim should go to the place and verify the fact.

“The sad truth is that the people are not getting the factual information. Therefore, all intended bodies from the state, the federal government and international partners can go to the area and well attest this act.”

As to him, all the rapes and robberies are not undertaken [as propagated by TPLF] by the Eritrean military.

Currently, the junta remnants are hopelessly releasing misleading information as the national defense forces are rushing to surrender, if not shoot them, Muluberhan mentioned.

It is true that the TPLF is the one who rapes women, rob and destroy the state in the uniform of the Eritrean military. It uses this tactic to wrongly persuade the people as attacked by the neighboring state military so that it will stand beside the TPLF, he indicated.

Many of the TPLF’s militia and special force have ceased fire but it is the treasonous faction that betrays the national defense forces is currently trying to unsettle the country, he stated.

He noted that the state administration is working to resume various infrastructures including electricity that has been destroyed by the junta.

Before it went to war, the TPLF has been ruling the country following poor governance known for corruption, fraud, treachery, nepotism and maladministration, according to Muluberhan.

It is known for years in making theatre in deceiving the people that’s why it is currently abusing the people by the name of the Eritrean military, he underlined.

He also called on the people of Tigray to stand beside the national defense forces until the rest of junta members are surrendered and the leftovers here and there start thinking and looking into themselves.

As to Muluberhan, a well-organized and consolidated effort has to be extended to rehabilitate Tigray State in a sustainable manner.

He further stated that the humanitarian aid is carried out as much as possible though a lot remains to be done as there are a lot of people that need support.

He said, “Since no need of talking about unnecessary and falsehood fabrications holding the buried junta sentiment, we all have to move forward to bring about well rehabilitated, peaceful and prosperous state-the northern star.”

According to him, as the international community has shown keen interest to work in collaboration with the federal government, we have made all doors open to facilitate conditions.

Asked about the rumor stating that Eritrean soldiers have raped women in the state and expand territory, he said that it is unfounded allegation to propagate TPLF junta sentiment and help the issue get international picture.

He said, “Even we talked to senior officials and military heads of Eritrea in person and told us that unless disinformation is rife orchestrated by the junta cliques, no ground for us to loot Tigraways properties and raped women. They are our beloved brothers and sisters. We are ethically shaped and Christians as well, too.”

“We know the reality on the ground. However, the international community has blown following the disinformation and misinformation produced by irresponsible media outlets that have taken junta remnants lie and fabricated idea for granted,” he added.

So long as there is no ground to make both Ethiopians and Eritreans in a state of rivalry, both governments have to work hand in glove to get the source of ill-intentions dried for good.

Since no more TPLF hereafter and Tigraway mothers have been tired of bearing war and unrest claiming their beloved children keeping intervals, all state citizens have to come to the right track and work hard to reap the fruits of peace and serenity.

The international media has to live up to truth and journalism code of ethics as most of the time they are fond of haphazardly reporting fabricated information, he underscored.

“Those cliques of the buried junta who are swimming in the ocean of illusion had better look into themselves and work hard for full reform of the state instead of wavering out of the blue and hoping unattainable option. I would like to urge the cliques, remnants of the junta to stop being in a state of self-trickery. No more TPLF!” underline Muluberahan.

Responding to the question posed on him about parties’ freedom to move and introduce their manifesto and public choices compared to the previous administration, he said earlier, every Tigraway had swallowed the sole words of the junta and their propaganda without any choice. “Even there were, one to five and one to three arrangements to expose the ones who were listening other media apart from Tigray Tv and Tigray radio. How heinous it was!” he added.

Every political party is now purely free to move and disseminate their ideology or choices.

According to Muluberhan, TPLF was working with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Shene to destabilize the country.

This idea is well substantiated by Oromia Police Commission Communication Department Head Deputy Commissioner Getachew Itana stating that TPLF was providing the OLF Shene members with training, logistic and financial support orienting them accomplishing a mission of setting fire on public service delivering institutions like schools, health stations, other crucial public institutions and that of selected individuals proprieties across Oromia State and on some selected institutions in other regions of the nation.

“Since there is no more TPLF hereafter every people of the state in particular and those of the entire nation have to make synergy for the progress and growth of the nation as bringing about the desired change is adjacent if we all are well committed to work hard consolidating unity, fraternity among all citizens of the country and ensuring peaceful coexistence.

According to him, the TPLF junta preached the entire state peoples that ‘the reform is anti-Tigray, it comes up with unitary governance like the Derg, the constitution for which we have been fighting has been violated etc.

The Ethiopian herald April 4/2021

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