Nation’s future museums to go high tech

ADDIS ABABA – The country’s future museums will go high tech aside from embracing the social heritages that attract visitors in droves, Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MoCT) disclosed. “We need to... Read more »

Stop spewing false information on social media with law

Despite the indispensable role the social media has played in bringing the existing broad-based reform, it has brought unbearable conflicts and instigation among the public by disseminating ill interest messages including fake... Read more »

Ethiopian Airlines is The New Spirit of Africa

By Tewolde GebreMariam      Group CEO, Ethiopian Airlines It has been more than two weeks since the tragic crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302.  The heartbreak for the families of the passengers... Read more »

Reigniting the passion of adding bricks to the dam

When citizens close ranks to engage in a developmental thrust that could allow them the amenities of modern life breaking away from a tattered economy, there will be no logjams they fight... Read more »

Ethiopian: Slammed groundless New York Times` claim on doomed flight 302

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopian CEO, Tewolde Gebremariam, said that Ethiopian is preparing to sue The New York Times on its baseless claim that pilots on the doomed flight 302 did not take simulator... Read more »

Governmental institutions must not expel competencies as a new form of segregation

The government has lagged behind in the provision of essential mental illness treatment services and this leads the youth into social chaos, so disclosed the Ethiopian Mental Illness Treatment Association. Ethiopian Mental... Read more »

Better human aspect, better civil service sustains reform

ADDIS ABABA- Emphasis on human aspects is necessary to develop the civil service sector and support the reform, disclosed Civil Service Commission. Bezabih Gebireyesus Commissioner at Civil Service Commission told to The... Read more »

Ethiopia’s untold historical facts

Beyond a reasonable doubt, the Ethiopian history has required comprehensive historical recording suite, so disclosed Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritages (ARCCH). ARCCH Public and International Relations Director, Fanta Beyene... Read more »

Grand Renaissance Dam will go operational by 2020

The 5 billion project USD dam, Ethiopia is undertaking on River Nile and which had suffered construction delays and entertained reservations from different neighboring countries, will kick start supplying energy in December... Read more »

A leader who stands shoulder high

At one point Ethiopia was on the brink of collapse considering unrests and conflicts rocking the country. It was not uncommon to witness protests, barricades, and conflicts nationwide. The future of the... Read more »