Renewable energy capable to deliver power solution: Association

ADDIS ABABA-The Global Off- Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) said expanding electrification renewable energy is an efficient way to deliver power solutions for communities who live outsides of the grid network, Patrick K.... Read more »

About one million displaced people return home: Commission

ADDIS ABABA- The National Risk Di­saster Commission announced that more than a million displaced people have returned back to their homes. Mitiku Kasa, National Risk Disaster Commission Commissioner said that the mission... Read more »

Ethiopian Airlines wins Skytrax award

 – Ethiopian Airlines in jet deals with Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier ADDISABABA- Ethiopian Airlines has won the most prestigious award in the airline industry, Skytrax best airline in Africa at the Paris Air... Read more »

Stakeholders launch 293 mln. USD transformation, regional integration project

ADDIS ABABA – The 293 million USD Eastern Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) was launched here in Addis Ababa last week. Three East African countries will participate in... Read more »

Private bank Board Member questions fairness of dollar distribution

• NBE says distribution based on Banks’ capital ADDIS ABABA- Applauding the recent move by the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) to distribute 100 million USD to 16 private banks, Board Member... Read more »

Agency prioritizing Ethiopian Diaspora registration

-Preparing to observe The Diaspora Day ADDIS ABABA – The newly formed Ethiopian Diaspora Agency is prioritizing the registration of the Ethiopia Diaspora and identification of potential knowledge and skill potential as... Read more »

IGAD deliberates on South Sudan’s revitalization process

-Colombia to open Embassy in Addis ADDIS ABABA- In its 68th extraordinary session held yesterday, IGAD Council of Ministers deliberated on the progress of South Sudan’s revitalization process. Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister... Read more »

Metropolitan intends to boost the increased flow of foreign currency

• The construction of ‘Bole Tower Apartment’ officially launched. Metropolitan Real Estate, an American company, announced the commencement of construction on its latest luxury apartment homes, Bole Tower, which is designed by... Read more »

Drum up the spirit of volunteer

The idea of integrating volunteerism into development program and mobilizing an increasing number of volunteers is becoming a well-liked strategy in dealing with varied intractable social and economic challenges. The value of... Read more »

Cultural values towards policies implementation

ADDIS ABABA- Ministry of Peace stated that involving society, religious leaders, youth, public figures and concerned bodies in planning, following up and evaluating process of policies is crucial to better implement development... Read more »