Drum up the spirit of volunteer

The idea of integrating volunteerism into development program and mobilizing an increasing number of volunteers is becoming a well-liked strategy in dealing with varied intractable social and economic challenges.

The value of volunteering is much deeper and inestimable in contributing to a healthy and vibrant community. Because, it helps to bind communities together, foster social integration, and enables them to build up their capacity. In short, volunteerism is a key solution to the betterment of the lives of individuals and for the realization of development goals at society level.

Owing to these, therefore, volunteerism has appeared to be more popular and a successful mechanism to address issues identified as national priorities and carryout various development activities and mobilize citizens towards national goals.

Volunteerism and volunteering is not a new trend for Ethiopians. Rather, it is their strong tradition that is deeply engraved in their history with principles of solidarity, respect and thoughtfulness as a way to spiritual commitments, traditional and secular practices. Thus, the issue has been part of government policies’ in the past and current.

The longstanding informal volunteer traditions of publics’ desire to help fellow citizens and a number of international incidents where Ethiopians engaged willingly and unswervingly are the best show cases.

Ethiopians, by dedicating their time, talents and energy and engaging in various community-based services such as environmental protection and conservation, health and education, services, poverty alleviation, serving the disadvantaged groups – orphans, the elderly, the disabled, as well as people living with HIV and AIDS have made meaningful contribution to making differences.

Not only at home. They have also imprinted notable narratives in the history of global volunteering and volunteerism acts. In various times and occasions, by responding to UN peace keeping mission calls and dispatching significant numbers of volunteer troops in several countries across the continent and beyond, including South Korea, Congo, South Sudan, Liberia, and Rwanda, the country has testified its longstanding mores of volunteerism for international community.

The act is not restricted to war fronts. There are also times when the nation deployed volunteer health professionals to overseas without hesitation or thought of gain. With the aim to urgently fill the critical gaps in the Ebola outbreak response, Ethiopia had sent its health professionals to Ebola affected countries in West Africa.

In the same manner, few months ago, with the aim of strengthening the people to people relations, Ethiopia has sent volunteer medical doctors to Eritrea. Even in this rainy season, over 10 million youths are ready and willing to execute various development activities all over the country and become part of nation’s social and economic transformation.

It is clear that any good deeds that we have left behind would not be erased or wiped out in course of time. They will flourish and be a source of pride for ourselves and the next generation. Volunteerism will not only be a vehicle to be used to bring socio-economic changes, but also a value that connects every Ethiopian and is passed from generation to generation.

 The Ethiopian Herald, June 19/2019

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