About one million displaced people return home: Commission

ADDIS ABABA- The National Risk Di­saster Commission announced that more than a million displaced people have returned back to their homes.

Mitiku Kasa, National Risk Disaster Commission Commissioner said that the mission to resettle dislocated nationals was to be administered in three phases. The first phase aimed to resettle 800,000 displaced people back to their home, fortunately with the concerted effort of responsive stakehold­ers; it was able to resettle more than one mil­lion people.

The second phase will continue till July 7 which aims to create enabling environment and rehabilitate the remaining displaced na­tionals and its performance is well in prog­ress, the Commissioner added.

He also said that the third phase, on the other hand, emphasizes on displaced peo­ple hard of returning back to home and de­vising ways to settle them with aid until the far-reaching solution has been gained with joint efforts of states.

Tesfahun Alula, Oromia State Security Bureau Deputy Head on his part said that re­habilitation of displaced people is well under­way in the state under the committee led by the Vise President.

According to him, the committee is estab­lished mainly drawn from education, health and security sectors. Thus, displaced people that were supposed to be rehabilitated in the state are being resettled. The rehabilitation of Gugee can be taken as a remarkable instance, he said.

Tesfahun further said that the state will continue its effort to ensure the supremacy of law. Accordingly, it has begun to bring offend­ers to courts. Consequently, 222 suspects are jailed.

Melaku Alebel, Amhara Regional State Industry Investment Bureau Head on his part said that 51,000 thousand individuals have been rehabilitated in the region.

He also said that 184 houses have been constructed and given for the displaced peo­ple. The program will get its end with the joint effort of the Commission and the state until July 7 -2019.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 20/2019


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