FP priorities ensure peace, citizens’ participation

ADDIS ABABA– Centered in advancing multifaceted relations with neighboring countries and promoting citizen-centered diplomacy, the priorities in Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy (FP) bring about peace and stability and ensure citizen’s rights whilst encouraging... Read more »

Ethiopian to commence 2019 Hajj flight

ADDIS ABABA– The Ethiopian Airlines disclosed that it is going to commence this year’s first Hajj flight next Friday. Briefing journalists on hajj operation 2019 at a Joint Press Conference by the... Read more »

Tourism Ethiopia to enhance efforts in instilling new brand

 HARAR: -Tough the new suave tourism brand ‘Ethiopia Land of Origins’ is three years old, excessive efforts need to be put to inculcate and promote the brand all over the world by... Read more »

Prof. Berhanu praises Premier’s role in upholding breakneck reform

ADDIS ABABA– Reflecting on the recent Prime Minister Dr. Abiy’s responds to MPs regarding the current socio-economic and political situation, a renowned politician and Leader of the Ethiopia Citizens for Social Justice... Read more »

Containing unemployment, inflation gov’t priorities: Premier . House ratifies Ethiopia’s budget for 2019/20

ADDIS ABABA– Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said that providing significant jobs for the growing the youth population and keeping the inflation at the single digit as well as controlling deliberate shortage... Read more »

Premier to leave official residence for tourism dev’t

ADDIS ABABA– Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed announced that he would leave his official residence on premises of the Menelik Palace soon and reside in the National Palace, where Ethiopia’s President lives.... Read more »

Netherland’s government $50 million benefaction assistant Ethiopian agricultural sector

The Government of Ethiopia has secured $50 million benefactions from the European country’s Government of the Netherlands for their Agricultural Commercialization Clusters Resourcefulness in the Agricultural sector Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s State Minister of... Read more »

How to contain macroeconomic fluctuations

While presenting the government’s performance in the 2018/19 fiscal year to the House of People’s Representatives on Monday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D) had noted that various improvements have been made so... Read more »

Back on the right track of economic growth

A change for the better could not crystalize unless a paradigm shift is effected, especially when things seem to have gone off the track. For eons the mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy was... Read more »

Churning up competent youths that cope up with the era of industrialization

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has been undertaking successive measures regarding nurturing competitive human power that feed the country’s ever-growing industrialization thrust. Currently, numerous youths are attending education throughout the country. During... Read more »