Netherland’s government $50 million benefaction assistant Ethiopian agricultural sector

The Government of Ethiopia has secured $50 million benefactions from the European country’s Government of the Netherlands for their Agricultural Commercialization Clusters Resourcefulness in the Agricultural sector Ethiopia.

Ethiopia’s State Minister of Finance, Admasu Nebebe and a subordinate diplomat that substitutes for an absent ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands set in Ethiopia, Thijis Woudstra has signed the settlement in Addis Ababa.

According to Admasu Nebebe, this agreement could be valid for the next four consequent plantations of cropping season in Ethiopia in the major national states found in the country.

The representatives stated that initiative is expected to contribute in increasing small holder farmers’ income, improving agro-processing and value-addition operation beyond the creation of off-farm employment opportunities in valid four National states in over Ethiopia.

It will be implemented through the agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) based on the geographical cluster of the four major national states mainly, Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and Southern Nations Nationalities Regional States (SNNP) starting from the budget year 2019 up to 2023 for four years consecutively harvesting seasons, Thijis Wounstra noted for The Ethiopia Herald.

This agreement shows the relationship between the two countries has strengthened and plays this in development of both countries go in glove hands with, Thijis Wounstra noted.

For over a decade Ethiopia and the Netherlands have been closely working on agricultural sectors. In parallel the Dutch investors have been active for long in the flower and horticulture sector investment in Ethiopia.

This kinds of bilateral agreement can move one step the relation of the two country and the supporting sector in the country in reducing the rising numbers of unemployment level found in the country and can play lion share in reduction of poverty level, Thijis Wounstra, concluded.

The Ethiopian Herald July 7/2019


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