FP priorities ensure peace, citizens’ participation

ADDIS ABABA– Centered in advancing multifaceted relations with neighboring countries and promoting citizen-centered diplomacy, the priorities in Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy (FP) bring about peace and stability and ensure citizen’s rights whilst encouraging Diaspora’s active participation in domestic affairs, MP said.

Commenting on Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s 2018/19 foreign relations and diplomatic sector performance report, House Foreign Relations Sub-Committee Chairperson Ayele Negeri said that the new government has remained successful in ensuring national interest and promoting good neighborliness.

The Chairperson noted that the Sub- Committee closely follows the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other pertinent bodies to regulate the implementation of Foreign Policy that has given utmost priority to embrace Ethiopia’s neighbors in a view to materializing regional economic integration.

“Centering the Foreign Policy towards our neighbors is a vital act as Ethiopia shares borders and communities with all Horn countries and our intertwined fate is manifested in the fact that the change in status quo in a given country could greatly affect Ethiopia’s peace and development.”

The MP said that the attention Premier Abiy has given to reconciliation with Eritrea and supporting peace efforts in South Sudan, Sudan and Somalia showcases Ethiopia’s commitment

 to create peaceful relations with all neighboring countries and its vision for a stable and prosperous East Africa.

“Ethiopia’s rapprochement with Eritrea revitalizes the enormous socio- economic partnership the two countries were enjoyed in the immediate post-Derg period,” he said, adding that the move has also been bringing wider implication in transforming the Horn of Africa from hostilities to peace and integration.

The Chairperson stated that successful diplomatic activities were made in the just-concluded fiscal year and the engagements were carried out in a way ensure national interest and non-interference policy. Due to the meticulous efforts, Ethiopia formed new diplomatic relations with several countries and generated a sizable development support whilst it widened sources for foreign finance.

 “Ethiopia’s bilateral and multilateral diplomatic efforts in the fiscal year have also brought about significant outcomes in ensuring the rights and benefits of citizens living in abroad and keeping the country’s trademark role of promoting and defending Africa’s interests as well as advancing its contribution for the implementation of continental and regional partnership goals.”

Ethiopia’s positive portrayal in international and continental human right institutions and global broadcasters could be regarded as manifestations for the change the country has been registering in domestic politics as well as its success in diplomatic arena, he elaborated.

Concerning citizen-centered diplomacy, Ayele said that it would have paramount importance in enabling Ethiopians residing overseas to contribute share to their home country’s development and supporting the national plans towards enhancing the progress of the country.

The approach is also vital to protect the rights and benefits of Ethiopian employees and change the working situation of citizens including salary payment, having a leave and protection from abuses and human right violations by employers.

Strong mechanisms put in place to follow up the execution of economic diplomacy and maximize the participation of Ethiopian Diaspora towards the realization of development goals, the Chairperson remarked.

The Ethiopian Herald July 9/2019


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