At the confluence two historic currents: The myth of the Nile and the reality of GERD

BY MULUGETA GUDETA There is in the fate of the Nile something akin to the Greek myth of Sisyphus who was condemned by the gods to push a boulder up a steep... Read more »

The national reform program ignites glimmer of hope among all Ethiopians

BY SOLOMMON DIBABA Ethiopians are currently marking the 10th Anniversary of ground breaking ceremony for the construction of GERD and the third year of the comprehensive and multi-faceted reform programs the country... Read more »

A decade of tenacity and unflinching unity towards completing GERD

BY SOLOMON DIBABA Ethiopians are marking the 10th Anniversary of the construction of GERD this week tearing down every conspiracy and mendacious propaganda and threats the people had to face simply because... Read more »

Ethnocentric politics is an imminent threat to the survival of Ethiopia as country

BY SOLOMON DIBABA I chose to dwell upon this issue based on some basic misconceptions on ethnic identity democracy and ethnic federalism. I prefer to dwell upon the big picture first. Some... Read more »

Developing countries COVID-19 debt crisis could put SDGs & climate agreement completely out of reach

 BY NALISHA ADAMS The inability of developing nations to spend on post COVID-19 recovery and resilience has placed the world on the “the verge of a debt crisis”. “We face the spectre... Read more »

Land holding system post-election face

BY ABEBE WOLDEGIORGIS Land always comes at the forefront when we talk about countries where agriculture is the mainstay of their respective economy. Combined with labor and capital, land becomes a source... Read more »

Sudan’s Pendulum diplomacy: At the heart of unrest in the Horn of Africa

BY SILEWUNET BELACHEW Since the end of the colonial period, the Horn of Africa has been devastated by inter-state and intra-state conflicts, especially during the post-independence era, which started in 1956 when... Read more »

COVID-19 Vaccine rolls out in Ethiopia, what is to be done next?

 COVID-19 Vaccine rolls out in Ethiopia, what is to be done next? BY SOLOMON DIBABA To the surrprise of every one, countries that have had the best medical facilties in the world,... Read more »

Dead and Buried: Why resurrecting TPLF is no longer possible

  SILEWUNET BEL  Dead and Buried: Why resurrecting TPLF is no longer possible After nearly three decades of political fortunes, TPLF experienced a steep decline in the influence curve of the Ethiopian political... Read more »

The squinted eye of Western and US from League of Nations to Security Council

BY ENDALE HAILE (Ph.D) This article focuses on how the West and the United States have taken an unjust decision against Ethiopia since 1936 and until 2021. The modern history of Ethiopia... Read more »