Dead and Buried: Why resurrecting TPLF is no longer possible


 Dead and Buried: Why resurrecting TPLF is

no longer possible

After nearly three decades of political fortunes, TPLF experienced a steep decline in the influence curve of the Ethiopian political sphere, in the last three years, prompting them to retreat from politics and return to their unprivileged dissident former status. And now, the former maker and breaker of the Ethiopian politics has eventually broken itself to the point that it cannot be saved.

The Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) died due to a self-inflicted gunshot and buried in the garden of remembrance, as a result of the groups surprise attack against ENDF on November 4, 2020. The ill-conceived war marked the culmination of the country’s heartless old regime’s path from rebel to ruler, and back to rebel, then to the cemetery. It is now buried deep within the pit, unable to survive or resurrect.

The TPLF senior leaders who were the main engine of the clique and the nucleus of the group are killed in the legitimate action taken to safeguard sovereignty. Most of the militia and regional forces also were killed and surrendered. In the subsequent weeks after the TPLF-inflicted conflict settled, the joint squad of ENDF and federal police forces arrested the fugitives for their “horrendous crimes’’ while they were hiding in natural mountains, caves and man-made refuges like monasteries, villagers’ houses.

The core of the callous clique is now totally neutralized. The troublemaker and their collaboration system have been demolished as a result of a concerted and coordinated law enforcement operation commanded by ENDF and peace-loving Ethiopians. There is nothing left of the TPLF except a few remnants that are causing some issues.

In contrary to the realities on the ground, there are rigorous efforts by the dregs of TPLF and their ardent allies like Suzan Rice, Jendayi Frazer and some western giants to give life back to the clique. Moreover, the TPLF’s diaspora wing and digital army, which have been fuelled by the looted money of Ethiopians for the past 27 years, are waging a disinformation campaign by recruiting journalists and agents such as Martin Plaut, Rashid Abdi, and Kjetil Tronvoll, as well as buying lobbyists, political analysts, and human rights activists. These groups and others collectively emerged as a messiah of the clique for their undisputed benefits in Ethiopia and the region seems greatly dashed and co-conspirator is completely destroyed.

Despite the undisputed demise of the TPLF, it seems the groups understandingly prefer to ignore the reality on the ground and believed in vain that they could resurrect the clique through manufacturing evidences and disseminating lies, both in the international political arena and by mega media outlets; deceiving the international community and demonizing Ethiopia’s government.

Furthermore, they are demanding for reconciliation between the clique and the Federal government as means to give life to very few dregs of the criminal faction. This is clearly reflected their ruthless determination to bring about regime change and the return of TPLF to power by mediation, negotiation, or any other means possible. However, it is just a bad dream which cannot happen, as it is unnatural to negotiate with the dead!

Negotiating with the dead?

The very idea of negotiating with TPLF is absolutely ridiculous because no one would bargain with the dead! As the resurrection of TPLF from the dead is beyond possibility, and such illusionist aspirations will never come to fruition except to float on the air of political dreams forever.

The recurrent calls of Washington and the West’s political elite, to sit and talk with a non-existent party, is nothing more than playing ingenious mind games and pressuring Ethiopia to change regime. The wile is the major part of the intrigue of former Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor and now Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice who was the best friend of the late leader of TPLF, Meles zenawi and her allies like Jendayi Frazer, playing the shadow game of power play in Ethiopia. Suzan rice who has a long history of enamoured with Africa’s Dictatorships, she has been the major affiliate of the clique, now vigorously trying to mislead and swamped US’ Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to push the trigger of economic sanctions and war crimes charges, just fulfil the chronicle of restoring imaginary party to power.

Negotiating with Fugitives?

On the other side, they are proposing to the government to sit and talk with the remnant of the TPLF? How on earth one negotiates with a domestic terrorist group that launched a ‘’surprise attack’’ on the Northern Command of the ENDF? Is there any country that sits and negotiates with a traitor? No country would negotiate against their sovereignty! Thus, the government of Ethiopia has no business to negotiate with fugitives. The best thing it does to fugitive is to arrest them not to negotiate.

More importantly, negotiating with the traitor clique is abandoning the faith of the Ethiopian people who have paid in their blood to protect the country from the power hungry junta, regardless of the other reasons for the rejection of negotiations. It is therefore unbearable for the government to negotiate with the people’s enemy.

Although there are dozens of political elite group synchronizes to bring back the detested regime to Ethiopia, and believes that the only fix is in to crush a rising Ethiopia, their huggermugger and manoeuvrings will gloomily fail. Susan Rice’s regime change plan through pulling another Herman Cohen-type of power play in Ethiopia like in the 1991 will never happen this time. And the Idea of “dialogue” and “negotiations” for the TPLF dregs with the Federal government has a zero chance of happening as long as brave and patriotic Ethiopian’s live.

The externals power play in Ethiopia is no longer possible as no power can save or preserve TPLF. Its Status is beyond the circle of salvation and preservation. TPLF is dead and buried! Period! IT IS DONE!

And thus, the steady drumbeat of criticism from US, EU and the UN against Ethiopia’s government that has been focused merely on the unfounded allegation of being bungled in handling the Tigray conflict should change its narratives as Ethiopia diligently working to rehabilitate the Tigirian region damaged by the TPLF inflicted war, despite the multifaceted but undeserved diplomatic challenges they are imposing. The glaring truth is that Ethiopia always rises against the wish of both the domestic junta and outside evils’’.

The Ethiopian Herald 27 March 2021

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