Ethnocentric politics is an imminent threat to the survival of Ethiopia as country


I chose to dwell upon this issue based on some basic misconceptions on ethnic identity democracy and ethnic federalism. I prefer to dwell upon the big picture first. Some think that this is an untouchable area to write on, ironically, which ones are permitted?

To begin with, there is no problem in identifying oneself with a specific ethnic group. It is natural and part of human psychology and is also democratic and could be taken as the right to exercise one’s culture, religion, history and pattern of life. Problems related to ethnicity, in my opinion emanate from three sources of political polarization. The first is historical in the sense that the peoples of Ethiopia suffered from repression and oppression which manifested itself in economic, cultural, religious domination which backfired through years in the form of liberation movements. Ethnocentrism becomes dangerous to national unity when it is combined with the quest for revenge and avenge on issues and circumstances for which this generation is not responsible ultimately serving as a bait for the enemies of this country who wish the country’s doom and gloom.

The second is related to the transition from unitary state system to ethic based federalism with all its ramifications, misconceptions, biases and hateful sentiments which were not properly addressed. Ethnic federalism was introduced from top to bottom with no effort to consult the peoples of Ethiopia in some sort of referendum or other possible means.

The third point is related to unmet economic, cultural, political and infrastructural demands from the public at large. The TPLF dominated regime bragged and boasted that it had created a demanding society without meeting the demands and caused a flurry of sporadic unrests in various parts of the country.

The fourth point is directly related to the content and application of the provisions of the constitution of the country. It is difficult to accept that the peoples of Ethiopia have enough knowledge of the provisions of the constitution. This led to the interpretation and misinterpretation of Article 39 of the constitution which provides the right to self-determination up to and including session at face value. The constitution recognized the right but did not specify which section of the Ethiopian society could readily implement such rights. Which ones are considered as nations? Which ones are categorized as nationalities and what do we mean when we categorize others as peoples and not nationalities? This and other political theorizations are explained at will by those who claim to possess the last word on ethnic federalism.

The fifth issue is concerned with the federal state structure. For instance, over 40 ethnic groups were merged into a federal state which the constitution recognized as SNNPRS. Other states were formed in such a way that local territorial ethnic settlements were trampled with. There is nothing wrong with promoting the language, culture and utilization of socio-economic resources for the development of the ethnic populations in this country as the constitution itself provides. However, at one point in time, this constitution needs to be revised as a genuine legal document reflecting the current and future realities in this country.

On the other hand, these complications were used by petti-bourgeoisie intellectuals to form ethic based political parties at federal and regional levels to assume political power at all levels with no political mandate from the ethnic groups they professed to represent. There is no problem in forming such political parties some of which were already disqualified by the NEBE but the problem lies in the vision and mission they seem to declare as a means of promoting democracy in this country.

With its hidden motive of after me the deluge, TPLF attempted to destroy Ethiopia which it declared is an epicenter of revolutionary democracy. What they did to the peoples of Ethiopia over the last several months have only worn them a black spot in the history of this country and totally disproved that even from the outset they were out to destroy the history, culture and resources of this country.

The late Prime Minister Melese Zenawi time and again recounted that the TPLF dominated EPRDF has done a great job in saving the country from total disintegration into ethic principalities but after 27 years, in alliance with foreign support. TPLF has been actively working and is currently working towards the total balkanization of the country by instigating ethnic conflicts in every corner of the country which culminated in unprecedented displacement of citizens and deaths of thousands of citizens for no cause.

Ethnic based system of administration and the corresponding maladministration and misuse of public fund by TPLF also triggered terrorist activities across the country paving the way for the proliferation of international terrorist organizations sneaking into the country through porous borders.

Taking the federal system as an end in itself is a far greater theoretical and political misconception. Anywhere in the world, including USA, Russia, India and Nigeria, federalism was implemented in the context of a united states and has helped to promote democracy. Narrow ethnic mentality that makes the believers to live in more than 100 years back now seem to trigger ethnic chauvinism of the highest proportions in this country. Those are why some of the politicians in this country profess one thing but are found to do the opposite, instigating conflicts among honest citizens in the name of self-determination or even killing citizens from their own ethic group.

Contraband, money laundering, printing fake local and international banknotes are some of the means which are being used to let international terrorism obtain a foothold in this country and ethnic conflicts provide an excellent breeding ground for ISIS affiliated terrorist organizations which are trying operating in this country.

When conflicts flare up as the result of their treacherous activities, the perpetrators are the first to report from their ivory towers elsewhere when innocent and poor citizens face death, starvation and displacement as witnessed in Tigray.

Some leaders of international organizations still beat on a Chinese gong calling for negotiations between the government of Ethiopia which is not recognized by TPLF and TPLF itself has been declared nil and void by HoF. Therefore who negotiates with whom?

Ethnic political organizations push their ethnic politics from federal level to the regions and zones, districts, later into Kebeles followed by villages, tribes, clans and later on into families nonstop. On the other hand, working towards national unity among Ethiopians requires unity of purpose in the midst of poverty. Ethnic politics is acceptable and legitimate only when a common ground is established to promote socio-economic glory of this. To achieve this, all political parties should emerge out of their cocoons and focus on the big picture of building Ethiopia and Africa. I will end my contribution with a quotation from a response recently made by Prime Minister Abiy in his deliberations at the HPR 11th regular session. He said and I quote,

Thinking only from the perspectives of village world outlook is the biggest cancerous disease Ethiopia is now facing as it has continued to hinder the development and progress of this country. Nobody can win Ethiopia with village frame of thinking as history has proved it. Village based outlook belittles Ethiopia and can never promote this country. I appeal to you members of this parliament to free yourselves from such narrow sentimentality.

The Ethiopian Herald March 31/2021

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