Giving recognition where it is due

PM Abiy discusses with Sudan’s al-Burhan

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) with his delegation payed an official state visit to Sudan and met with the Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. During his visit, the two sides discussed ways to end the conflict in Sudan in a peaceful mechanism.

Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) received a recognition from PM Abiy

During the National Media Award program, Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) received the highest recognition award from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) for its contribution in protecting the national interest, preaching peace and cohesion in Ethiopia.

The 83 years old media house, EPA is the leading print media in Ethiopia. EPA is an umbrella of Amharic, English, Arabic, Afan Oromo, Sidamigna and Tigreigna languages. It entails Newspapers and Afarigna and Somaligna online news platforms in Ethiopia. With its Addis Zemen and The Ethiopian Herald daily newspapers, Amharic and English respectively, it is feeding information about Ethiopia daily and defending the national interests of Ethiopia.

EPA CEO Mesafint Tefera received the award from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

GCS organizes Media Award

Government Communication Service (GCS) has organized a media award to recognize the media organizations cautiously working to protect the national interest, peace and harmony of Ethiopia.

During the award ceremony, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) calls media houses to give due priority to protect the national interest and peace of Ethiopia. Promoting national development, cohesion and national interest should be the priority of the local media.

Nani, Kanu in Ethiopia to attend Mechal Sport Club’s 80th anniverisary

The Portugues former international fotball player Luis Nani and Nigerian former international player, Nwankwo Kanu arrived in Ethiopia to attend Mechal Sport Club’s 80th anniversary.

Mechal Sport Club, founded 80 years ago, is celebrating its founding anniverisary with different sport activities colorfuly. As part of the celebration, Mechal Sport Club has invited the former football professionals, Nani and Kanu to attend the celebration and the players arrived in Addis Ababa and received a warm welcome by Mechal Sport Club and other senior government officials.


 The Ethiopian herald July 14/2024



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