Jimma University graduates 1,747 students

ADDIS ABABA – Jimma University award­ed degrees to 1,747 students from various disciplines, including regular, summer, eve­ning and distance learning programs last Tuesday. This group includes 22 PhD gradu­ates, 254 master’s degree recipients, and 1,471 bachelor’s degree holders.

Jimma University President Jemal Abafita (PhD) warmly congratulated the gradu­ates, their families, and the entire university community. He expressed confidence in the graduates’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills to make significant contributions to their country.

The president reiterated the university’s dedication to its mission, emphasizing its commitment to innovative teaching, re­search, and community services through its acclaimed Community-Based Education model.

Additionally, Jemal highlighted that 83 per­cent of the students who took the exit exam successfully passed, underscoring the uni­versity’s educational quality.

Jimma University is Ethiopia’s pioneering institution in innovative, community-orient­ed higher education, particularly renowned for its healthcare training centers. It stands as a trailblazer in public health education and maintains extensive academic and sci­entific collaborations with numerous nation­al and international partners.

As one of the largest and most comprehen­sive public research universities in Africa, Jimma University boasts thousands of fac­ulty and staff members. The university fea­tures several research facilities, a modern hospital, a community school, a community radio station, an ICT center, libraries, and various revenue-generating enterprises.

Currently, the university serves several thou­sand students through undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered in regular, summer, and distance education formats, with plans for further expansion in the com­ing years.



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