The Graduate

Oh! Finally the day comes

Classes terminate

Lessons cease

Everybody, break the lines

No more are we students!

For a while at least.

The class continues

But in life.

Education is endless yes.

Knowledge knows no limits

Of course!

No bounds.

No stops.

Continue exams

But in other spheres

Concrete are the grades

Society judges

Society evaluates

Society absolves, society condemns


They may even be worse

Than they were in class!

You’ve graduated yes

But then comes the test

Then begins the point

How much have you learnt

You’ll be judged for that.

How much have you grasped

Of what you’ve been taught

What do you remember

Of what said the teacher?

Studies are worthwhile

If made practical

If applied as useful

Not mere formalities

Not mere registers

Not mere certificates

Nor grades or awards

I just finished school

But already I feel

Nostalgia, longingness

Of my days in class

Of my stay with friends

Of my love for my mates

I feel nostalgia


The atmosphere in class

The period, the lessons

The instructor’s face

The instructor’s truth

The issues he raises

The inquiries he makes

The assignment, the quizzes

I feel nostalgia


Of the entire campus

Of the garden and fields

Evergreen fresh

Full of flowers

Of all sorts, species

Full of arbusts and trees

That count decades.

Of the good old springs

The walls, fences, gates

The ex-palace grounds.

I feel nostalgia

Of the queues for the meals

In the café and

Of the noise in these halls

Of the ups and downs

The stairs in the dorms.

I feel nostalgia

Of the anxious days

That precede exams

Remember those times?

Some forget breakfast

No time for certain meals

Little for the showers

Rest is sacrificed

Some even miss their bed

To cover all the text

To prepare the test

To finish, exhaust it

Digest and assimilate

So no surprise springs

When you face exams

Sleep is so shortened

Students lose their weight

They lose their appetite

They only see one thing

They only feel one thing

They only fear one thing

Exams are beginning

Exam bells ring

So books are my pillows

My mattress, my bedsheets

Texts are my blankets

Everywhere I see books

In reality and dreams

I hardly shut my eyes

I hardly relax

Until exams close

Until the worry lasts.

Everywhere I see notes

Everywhere I see books

The fear is palpable

The worries are real

The anxiety tangible

Of the days of exams.

Students go in search

Of all the times they lost

In the campus and out

Of all the notes they kept

Of all the nights they slept

When exams are in sight

When semesters at last

Are near to terminate.

But once exams are over

Here is then another

For which we all bother

The results and grades

That decide our fates.

The ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘F’s

The terror of students

The news and rumours

Abound about grades

How many A’s

How many F’s

Who succeeds?

And who fails

Smiling faces


And there are the upsets

Who condemn their teachers?

And never do accept

The results that they get

One feels disappointed

To be forced to repeat

A course already did.

How hectic all those days

How sad all those hours!

All of this anxiety

All of these emotions

Will one day terminate?

Vanish in memories

Leaving their traces

In your soul and feelings

Once you graduate

Once you leave your school

Away it all passes

With all these sentiments

Away it all passes

Away it all washes

You graduate at last

A new life is to start

You have a new target

To cope with a new test

For all those school days

Society had waited

For such a blessed date

Your family had waited

The sacrifice they made

The hardship they faced.

Now begins your turn

To join hands and efforts

In family affairs

In societies’ lives.

You practice your skills

You have now the big chance

To repay all your debts

To bow in gratitude

To your parents and friends

You need a lot of luck

You need a lot of trust

In your acts and endeavour

So congratulations

And best wishes my friends!

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 11 August 2019


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