Sudan applauds Ethiopia, AU relentless efforts

 ADDIS ABABA – Sudanese Foreign Minister awarded Ethiopia and Africa Union (AU) for the role they played in mediating the Sudan’s ruling military council and pro-democracy movement to reach to a new agreement, Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.

Following the peaceful agreement signed between the Sudan’s ruling military council and its pro-democracy movement for the peaceful transitional government, Ethiopia and the African Union have received awards yesterday at a gratitude program held in the presence of Sudanese senior government official sand military leaders.

Ousman Dahab, Acting Foreign Minister of Sudan had awarded Mohammed Dirir, Ethiopia’s Especial envoy to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
and mediator of Sudan, Shiferaw Jarso, Ethiopia’s Ambassador in Sudan and, Mohammed Hassan Labat the Africa Union Special envoy and Mediator for Sudan.

Speaking on the occasion, the Acting Foreign Minister Ousman expressed his gratefulness for the vital role Ethiopia and the AU played on this historical moment of establishing a transitional government.

The award is believed to heighten the diplomatic relations of Ethiopia and Sudan to the highest level and to create a platform to further strengthen the tie between the two sisterly countries in the economic and other areas.

The Ethiopian Herald August 7/2019


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