The three divine forces on the path of destination: A beautiful journey

 Part Two: The second divine power – Hard work

In our quest for success, we encounter the second divine power on our path: hard work. It is the embodiment of great effort, perseverance, and diligence. Hard work implies a narrow and winding road, but one that leads us to greatness. In fact, if hard work had a vein, patience and perseverance would flow like blood. Along this arduous journey, diligence becomes our guiding light, accompanied by pa­tience and unwavering determination.

As the famous quote by Pele suggests, “Success is not accidental; it is hard work, persistence, learning, studying, sacrifice, and, most of all, loving what you are doing or learning.” These profound words perfectly express a common sincere belief in the value of hard work. Talent alone is not enough; it needs the support of dili­gent and dedicated effort. As basketball coach Tim Notke wisely said, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

The world reveres Margaret Hilda Thatcher as the Iron Lady, the exemplary leader who served as the Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1990. Thatcher’s deep economic and political knowledge left an indelible mark on the global stage. She famously stated, “I don’t know anyone who’s ever climbed to the top without working hard. That’s the recipe. It doesn’t always get you to the top, but it gets you pretty damn close.” These words are not merely motivational rhetoric; they are a verified truth. The great and accomplished individuals of the past and present testify that hard work is the key to reaching the pinnacle of success.

Moreover, religion itself extols the virtues of hard work. The scriptures speak of the satisfac­tion derived from diligent efforts: “You’ll re­ally enjoy what you’ve worked hard for—you’ll be happy” (Psalm 128:2). Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV) emphasizes working with all one’s heart, considering it as service to the Lord. And as Su­rat al-Najm 53:39 proclaims, “If man does not work, he will gain nothing.”

However, laziness, impatience, and despond­ency are subtle afflictions that undermine the essence of hard work. Yet, with the power of perseverance that exceeds even the force of gravity, healing can be found. Otherwise, mere recommendations would not suffice to achieve success in climbing life’s tower. Thus, I con­clude my thoughts on hard work by affirming that “Nothing is as satisfying to the soul as suc­cess achieved through hard work and dedica­tion.”

Third divine power, Faith: The golden anchor for success

Faith is not merely described by the strong word “divine power”; it represents an almighty force. It is like a sharp pair of scissors, cutting through the ties that bind us at the entrance to our des­tination. The great individuals who have em­barked on extraordinary adventures emphasize that they tattooed the almighty power of faith to their starting line, preceding hope and effort.

Within the Christian religion, believers in Jesus Christ are rewarded with the forgiveness of sins and eternal righteousness solely because they have faith in the redemptive power found in His death. I affirm that hope without faith is like a boring and meaningless stage play. Similarly, hard work without faith is a battle fought with­out a strategy, doomed to never achieve true victory. A powerful faith becomes our golden anchor, providing solace on the shores of suc­cess. With the oars of hope and hard work, which are stronger than iron, we navigate the tumultuous ocean of life, facing its great waves and storms. Together, with an unwavering be­lief, we can achieve greatness.

To all those engaged in the fight for success, gazing at the radiant light of hope, believe that you are winners and destined for success. I stand united with all those who share this belief.



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