NDRMC to deliver immediate aid to four mln. Citizens soon

ADDIS ABABA – National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) announced that the government is accelerating preparations to reach out to four million citizens who need immediate support.

Commission Public Relation Senior Expert, Atalel Abuhaye told The Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that the government is enhancing readiness to provide the 2nd round humanitarian assistance aimed at addressing four million needy persons in various areas.

The commission is working in close collaboration with concerned bodies to address the needy with immediate assistance. In this regard, he said, an economic analysis has been carried out to identify the number of needy persons, and determine how and in what manner they could be addressed.

Atalel stated that the preparation of providing humanitarian assistance for citizens is being finalized so that it will be delivered next week. However, conflict persistencein some parts of the country might hinder the provision of the necessary humanitarian assistance for people who need immediate support.

“The government assisted some 4,000,000 citizens from reserve warehouse in the 1st round considering the USAID and other aid partners’ slowdown from providing food and other necessary assistance to Ethiopia over the past few months,” he added.

As to Atalel, the commission delivers the necessary humanitarian assistance every 45 days whilst the government has been working to fill the gap since the partners stopped providing aid.

It is to be recalled that the government of Ethiopia has been providing the necessary humanitarian assistance for citizens who need immediate support due to conflict, drought, and other related issues. Different international aid partners were supporting Ethiopians. However, the commission still needs aids to provide more humanitarian assistance since the already supported citizens are less in number compared to several people who need assistance.


The Ethiopian Herald September 21/2023

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