Serving with integrity, honesty: The thread that produces success

 Pagumen month, the 13th month of the year in the Ethiopia calendar, is nationally dedicated to various activities.

And today, the day is being marked across the country with the aim to give more emphasis to the act of giving services with integrity and honesty as it is the foundation to drive positive change- lessen the socio-economic burden of underserved groups, promote belongingness, cement togetherness and unity by working collectively.

It is also marked with the sentiment to work together, contribute share thereby to tackle the pressing issues of our time through engaging volunteering works. Honoring those working for the common good of all is the other spirit of the day.

Aside from the other activities carried out in relation to this specific Day, the renowned transport enterprise, the Addis Ababa City Bus Service Enterprise is providing free service for residents of the capital to show its commitment to serve the community with integrity and utmost respect.

“Our company feels great honor when providing free transportation service for residents of Addis Ababa from 5:30 am on all the lines. We will serve you with utmost respect and humbleness on the occasion of the ‘Service Day’,” the Enterprise itemized in its social page.

True, prioritizing the public interest and carry out duties with a sense of responsibility, honesty, and integrity without expecting something in return; is the good feature of a civic-minded citizen.

In his historic speech once he delivered to the people of America, the 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy also underlined the importance of serving the country voluntarily with integrity, without expecting in return.

Kennedy, his memorial statue also stands at the Addis Ababa University; Sidest Kilo Campus where the Library is named after him said: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” he called every American to do what is right and contribute their share in some way.

In fact, in a country where there are several challenges such as economic, social, environment and peace and security challenges, joining hands, standing in solidarity and discharging responsibility accordingly is of critical importance for the common good of all.

Predominantly, because tackling the challenges alone is becoming a daunting task, working with integrity, honesty and a sense of belongingness has an exceptional contribution in supporting the community and advancing the country.

In reality, there are several responsible Ethiopians who are working day in day out, to execute their social responsibility, contribute to their community thereby making real and lasting differences not only in the lives of their own but also to the country’s overall development. These people though are icons of the country, a lot of work remains ahead in further instilling civic mindedness among the young people.

And when we are marking the day, we should all strive to do our level best and contribute what we can to the common good of all. Above all, instead of asking what the country can do for us, we should work together to prosper the nation and create a country that every citizen has all they need, and the best place to live.


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