
A land of unity not dissension

 Ethiopia is endowed with so many natural wonders. It is also marked for diverse ethnic, cultural and language mixes. It had never been colonized. Our ancestors had been chasing out invaders armed to the teeth. They were confronting the enemy using arrows and shields.

Be it assimilation or divide and rule techniques were futile in the sight of Ethiopian people.

As a result, Ethiopia serves an epitome of independence and freedom. In concert the people have been blandishing sticks together to repel the enemy. When the intruders came to invade Ethiopia, Ethiopians were standing together joining hearts and minds to fight the outsiders. Cherishing these time-old chemistry citizens must bar door to dissension.

Ethiopia has untapped potential to reclaim its reputation and prestige regarding civilization and prosperity. It can be a model for others in maintaining security, peace and tranquility.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 2/2019


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