Ancient Gelta Mariam Church Historical archive with tourism potential

The Southern Ethiopia is mostly visited by local and foreign tourists for its cultural and natural assests. It is rare this region to be seen as a place of pligrimage. Its historical heritages aren’t also well explored.

The north having outstanding places like Axum, Chapel of the Tablet is said to contain the Ark today. Lalibela is referred to Africa’s ‘New Jerusalem’. Gondar, replete with castles and churches, was a seat of the nation for hundred years. Such jewels on the crown of nation’s tourism might have overshadowed the potential of the Southern Ethiopia. The South Ethiopia is now exploring and developing on its potential to be competent tourism destination in the country.

The ancient Gelta Mariam Church housing historical archives as well as boasting traditional construction and history is worth visiting for pilgrims and history enthusiast. It is with this spirit and confidence the region’s tourism breau is attempting to make the place accessible to tourists. Going back more than a century, 1812 Ethiopian calender, the church attests Ethiopians have time-old interaction between the north and the south even before modern Ethiopia was built.

It is in the middle of a spacious compound you see the hut like small Church Gelta Mariam. The minute you enter you feel an albatross of sin lifted from you shoulder.

I felt myself at peace. It felt the place a serene one you rarely experience in town. Till we went out from the church my worries, regrets, anxieties and uneasiness weren’t haunting me. Even the feeling of guiltiness for not attending church had evaporated. Instead the aforementioned feelings ceded place to calmness, happiness and assurance. I can’t tell what exactly but maybe the humility of the clergy and simplicity of the church made me believe the presence of God in the place. There was a deep tranquility! I felt in awe looking around. I found the construction of the church – peculiar as modern construction materials like nails had not been used. The then architects rather used leather belts to attach pillars, columns and roofs. Zala District Diocesan administrator Kesis Tadele Seifu about the church’s establishment and environs to Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church followers.

“Bronze crosses, gold crosses, traditional painting of Jesus Christ and ancient parchement books adorn the church. The books comprise The Four Gospels, Miracles of Mary, Psalm of David and Passion Week. The church, containing very rare books, boasts vast history. Some books had been  stolen during Italian occupation to be returned by miracles. The church was founded during Zemene Mesafint (era of princes). When it was constructed there wasn’t even the idea of cement so they used salt. They attached the pillars and columns using sheep skin and covered it by grass.

Due to lack of infrastructural facilities like road and other reasons this church has been hidden from pligrimage or casual visits by tourists. Diocesan administrator Kesis Tadele Seifu urges government and other stakeholders to develop the area and preserve the heritage before it i too late. The father also urged Ethiopians particularly the faithful to extend support to this ancient church with historical and religious significance.

Happily now the regional tourism body seems to understand the value of such places. True to the annual theme of international tourism day, rethinking tourism, the South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples region wants to explore and expand tourism destinations; in addition to natural tourist destination such historical and religious places will hence get deserving attention. Regarding Ancient Gelta Mariam Church, Gofa Zone Tourism and Culture Office head Denberu Derbie expressed its important lesson to posterity, its facts to history lovers and its spiritual signficance to faithfuls.

“This is a significant historical place, which local and foreign tourists must visit. Its foundation stretches back more than 200 years. It contains gold crosse and parchment books. The wisdom encapsulated in the construction tools and the techniques used in this church are important to be known by this generation. They showcase that our forefathers were hard-working people. Forefathers were determined to construct the church by using sheepskin instead of nails. They constructed the houses using their bare hands. This knack is the hallmark of Gofa’s personality. Gofa is known for being powerful. Robustness is the manifestaion of it.”

The site however is in a critical situation as the deacons and other clergy members tell. It demands quick renovation. The clergymen insist nothing but the preservation of this religious and historical site. Denberu affirms the zone’s readiness to attract tourism influx doing adequate promotions and building necessary facilities.

“We are now working on the promotion task. We started our activities by inviting the media to come and look the potential and speak about it. We are also trying to make the place and its environs accessible by constructing roads and providing other basic services. So, people especially the youth will visit it and learn from it. We will make renovation works to preserve the place for longer time. ”

Hotels and lodges are being constructed taking the tourist sites’ developments into account. Upgrading of roads, increasing electricity availability and providing clean water are among things the Zone is undertaking or poised to do inorder to make the attractions accessible to tourists. As a visitor I myself did witness the region’s potential but again it needs investment to make guests stay out of stress. It had been an adventure for me to be in the place where the rugged road was long with hairpin turns and rooms were hard to find. Against the odds, I had such a memorable time and envy visitors. I can assure them they will have productive and unforgettable time.


The Ethiopian Herald  24 November 2022

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