Premier visits development projects, mechanization strides


Concluding visit to Southern parts of Ethiopia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated that the Gofa zone is one of several locations that demonstrate how Ethiopia is endowed with a range of natural resources. It has vast potential that could readily overflow to help the entire region develop. The diversity of Mount Weyila is yet another representation of our country. Farmers in Docha Dembela kebele have grown sesame, masho, soybeans, teff, and fruits on 80 hectares, showing how nature has blessed the region.

“In Chencha woreda of Gamo zone, we have seen weaving and handicraft products that, in addition to being a feature of the local lifestyle and culture, express Ethiopia’s diversity through a unique color composition and art of weaving. We visited a family who grows apples and vegetable as well as raises livestock on their small property, demonstrating efficient land use. A religious institution in the area raises livestock to provide dairy and dairy products to local residents in addition to religious instruction. When religious institutions support the daily lives of communities alongside their religious activities, it is an exemplary deed that is praised by both the creator and people.”

In the town of Arba Minch, the Prime Minister launched ‘Yelimat Tirufat’ development campaign, which focuses on nutritional opulence. The traditional food container, ‘Limat,’ represents a link between farmers, pastoralists, and consumers. It is about getting adequate nutritional food. Food self-sufficiency is directly linked to national sovereignty and dignity, and ‘Yelimat Tirufat’ campaign accelerates our efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency at the family and national levels.

In a separate visit to Eastern Showa Zone of the Oromia Regional State, he said that Lume woreda of East Showa Zone had begun seeding summer irrigation wheat intend to cultivate wheat on 200,000 hectares of land only during the summer season. As long as we have dedicated hearts and diligent hands, we will satisfy our country’s demands and have plenty to share with others, the PM added.

The Ethiopian Herald November 6/2022

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