Ethiopia secures 110 mln. USD from meat export


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia has secured USD 110 million from exporting meat products during the past eleven months of the current fiscal year, the Ethiopian Agriculture Authority said.

Authority’s Export Abattoirs Inspection and Certification Director Ayalew Shumet (PhD)  told the Ethiopian Press Agency that USD 110 million has been generated in the past 11 months of the current fiscal year from the export of 21,000 tons of meat.

He also said that the revenue showed a significant increase, USD 31 million, when compared with the same period of last fiscal year which was USD 79 million. He added that this income is unprecedented since the launch of the export abattoirs in our country.

“The main reason for the recorded results is that we pay special attention to quality and safety,” he indicated. Addressing previous problems associated with quality and safety has resulted in a significant increase in demand for product-receiving countries, according to him.

Despite the improvements, there are a number of works that should be done in terms of adequately harnessing the country’s potential, he further stressed.

Ayalew also explained that the country has the potential to export 300,000 tons of meat products in a year to the foreign market if the livestock supply, breeding system, and market destinations are improved. This would allow the country to generate USD 1.5 billion revenues annually.

The Ethiopian herald June 18/2022

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