ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Peace said the task of returning Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) to their original places has continued in cooperation with states and community members.
Presenting the Ministry’s nine months report to the FDRE House of People’s Representatives yesterday, Peace Minister Muferiat Kamil said that 768,488 citizens have been returned to their homes over the last nine months.
Reconciliation forums were also held with 350,221 community members aiming to reintegrate returnees with the community, according to her. As a result most community members are participating in the construction of homes to the displaced people, she added.
Likewise, various types of support, food and non-food commodities gained from the government and donors were also distributed to IDPs, she said. The government has also been taking measures on culprits implicated with the displacements, she said, adding the 468 suspects are under custody the cases of 420 suspects are under process.
There are a number of defects at some of the top levels leadership which included reluctance to cooperate with federal government in the effort of putting culprits in custody, she said.
The Ethiopian Herald, May 8/2019